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When 10K woke up from the shot he found himself again leaning against Bailey as she leaned against the tree. The sun was rising and the sky was turning pink with a new day as he groaned a bit and tried to sit up using his elbows for support but he was still too groggy and ended up falling back into Bailey. She didn't seem to mind though and brought her fingers to run through his hair.

"Were there any Z's while I was out?" he asked.

"No, Murphy must have enough power going that he turned on every light in Spokane, any Z's within seeing distance would have been drawn to it."

"He's probably using the blends to round them up and put them in the moat." He groaned getting some of his strength back. It fell silent as Bailey kept running her fingers through his hair before she let out a long breath and spoke.

"We need to go to Murphy's compound." She said with a touch of sadness in her tone like it upset her to say it.

"What?" he asked turning his head to look at her in shock and confusion. She looked down at him and her eyes were sad, she knew he wouldn't like what she was saying but she felt trapped, backed into a corner and this was the only path left to take.

"Dr. Merch is still there." Bailey began, bringing her finger to run along his jaw as he craned his neck keeping his eyes on her, "Maybe she's made a better version of the booster shot. Or maybe she's found a cure, something that will keep you out of Murphy's control permanently, or –"

"Bailey I can't go back there." He said, "You don't know what it was like there. I can't go back. I won't." he said his voice getting deeper and fiercer as he went on.

She sighed and looked away as he sat up, their bodies no longer touching, "Tommy." She said reaching into the grass and picking up the last booster shot they had, "We're running out of options."

He stared at the shot, his last shot, and she saw the conflict in his eyes. How much ground could they cover before he had to take it? How much distance could he put between himself and Murphy before it wore off? They had no food, no water and the only weapons they had were Bailey's. On foot they wouldn't get far.

"I can't go back there." He said softer now still staring at the injector as he made a fist pulling up some grass.

"Tommy –" then they heard a twig snap and both their heads shot up at the sound. 10K got up and Bailey followed him, they turned in all directions until through the trees they saw a small glint off a black helmet and saw one of the soldiers Murphy had bit.

"Run!" 10K shouted grabbing her hand and they took off. They heard the blend following them as they sprinted through the trees, then they came to a small clearing and stopped dead in their tracks. Another person was in front of them and turned to see them, it was Will with his hands behind his back casually.

"Murphy was right. You do have ten thousand lives." He said sounding impressed as he smirked and they dug their feet into the dirt and turned to a new direction and kept running. They didn't see Will chase after them which only made them feel worse, that meant he'd brought reinforcements and now they had the problem of wondering how many blends were in the woods with them.  Bailey didn't even know what direction they were running in anymore as her lungs burned and her legs throbbed. Then 10K stopped and pulled her behind a wide tree.

"You have to go." He said with a firm grip on her arms.

"What?" she asked still catching her breath.

"They don't want you, they want me." He said urgently knowing every second they stood there the blends were catching up.

"I'm not leaving you." She said defiantly.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now