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Third Person POV

"Ah!" Addy cried again in pain as she was forced to lie back down on the floor. Warren had to hold Bailey's shoulders to keep her from running to her friend and 10K could see that Red looked like she wanted to bolt across the room too so she could help her friend and patient.

"Ah. . . how bad is it?" Addy managed to ask as she got used to the pain enough to formulate sentences.

"The bullet hit an artery, if it wasn't for Red you wouldn't have made it." Finn told her as he kept one hand on her shoulder and the other hand over Addy's that was clutching the side of her stomach. She barely had enough strength left but she did lace their fingers together as she panted trying to fight through the pain that had flared up when she tried to lift herself off the floor.

"Did she get the bullet out?"

Finn bit his lip, his face grim, "No, but she did sew the artery. Hey, you hang in there okay?" she nodded, "You're strong I know you are, and you'll get through this." he kissed her forehead. "I love you."

"I love you too -ah!" she gasped in pain again and Finn held her hand tighter.

He turned to Annie, "Can we get her anything for the pain?"

Annie looked around at the bundle of used supplies from Red's surgery, as she did she spoke softly to Addy, "Keep breathing. I know it hurts, but lie still."


"Shut her up." Estes said fed up and walking over to them.

"How?" Finn asked his voice full of anger, "She needs morphine."

"Does this look like a pharmacy to you?"

"Alcohol will help." Red interrupted making Estes turn to her, "And there's plenty on that bar. If you want to keep her quiet she needs that."

Red and Estes had a long stare down but eventually he turned to Annie and nodded his head. She got up and grabbed several bottles from the bar before returning to Finn and Addy.

"Won't alcohol dehydrate her? She's lost a lot of blood." 10K asked Red quietly. Her eyes stayed on Addy but once the redhead had taken a few sips Red turned and looked at him over her shoulder.

"She's being held together by duct tape, we need to work with what we've got."


Murphy eventually fell asleep and Doc hoped the nap would help his head heal. It was just one thing after another tonight. First Murphy had started seizing, then by the time they made it to Altura this whole kafuffle with the hostages was well underway, Murphy had brain surgery, Addy had been shot and now there was a cure that Murphy had been conspiring with Kurian to sell to thugs before even thinking about helping any of the people who'd been keeping his sorry behind safe all these years.

Doc wandered into the hall as he started to pace, he was just about to take out his Z-weed and light up to calm his nerves when he heard footsteps and turned to see Hastings making her way toward him.

"How is the patient?" she asked when she reached him.

"Seems to be back to his old self." Doc grumbled, right down to the lying and manipulating.

"Good. I've been thinking over at the triage center about this trainee I have in another outpost. He was a cognitive specialist Pre-Z – not exactly the PhD I would have hoped for in one of my protégées but nonetheless – he should be able to evaluate –"

"No." Doc cut her off, "No one else can know about Murphy's condition."

Hastings gave him a questioning look and he took a deep breath.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now