S1E11: Part 1

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S1E11: Part 1


Third Person POV

"Are you sure Citizen Z said we should be down here?" Addy asked Mack as they made their way through the tunnels underneath some building. They were trying to find someone named Chester who would be able to help them get some food but both Addy and Mack were discouraged given where CZ had led them so far.

"Yeah, that's what he said." Mack replied using the flashlight in his hand to light their way.

"Hear that?" Addy asked as they heard something moving around down ahead. They followed the sound until they entered the basement and found a hallway full of doors.

"Here." Addy said pushing a door open revealing a room empty of everything except four zombies. "Bingo."

She walked forward wielding her Z Whacker with confidence, "Cinderella dressed in yella," she began the old jump rope rhyme she used to use with Bailey, though she added a few amendments. She whacked one Z dead, "Went upstairs to kiss a fella." Hit, "Took the pill, lost her frills." Hit, "How many zombies –" hit, "-did she kill? One, two, three, four. Ha." She counted spinning around and curtseying to Mack.

"You couldn't just give them mercy?" He asked.

"What fun would that be?" she asked, then there was a clang from upstairs and they both shot their heads toward the noise.

"What was that?" Addy asked.

"I don't know." Mack said pulling out his handgun and going out another door that led to a staircase. Addy followed behind him as he held his gun in front of him with one hand and his flashlight in another.

"Hold it right there." Came a voice from the dark when they reached the top floor. They turned to see Doc and Warren with their guns pointed at them.

"It's the damn wonder twins." Murphy said flinching back from the bright light coming from the flashlight Mack had in his hand.

"Guys." Warren said in shock before reaching out and hugging both Mack and Addy.

"The wonder twins?" Doc asked in disbelief, "Never, I mean never, in a million years truly, did I ever think I'd see your faces again."

Bailey made sure 10K had Cassandra before she let go of the girl and ran forward to hug Addy. The red head returned the hug squeezing her best friend hard though making sure she didn't poke her with her Z Whacker.

"I'm so glad you're okay." Addy said into her shoulder.

"Same here." Bailey said, "I missed you."

"CZ bring you guys here?" Mack asked after the girls ended their embrace and he'd had a chance to hug Bailey too.

"Yeah, he said there was food and somebody named Chester who could help us out." Cassandra said.

"Yeah, he told us the same thing, we're starting to have our doubts."

"Okay well he should be right down here." Warren said pointing to a door behind them down the hall.

"Let's hit it." Doc said as the group followed behind Warren, Bailey returning to Cassandra's other side as she helped 10K support her as she struggled to walk.

"Hey, hey." Mack whispered getting Doc's attention, "What happened to her?"

"She got caught on a piece of barbed wire. Now it's all infected." Doc explained as they followed the others.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora