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Kaya was able to show up at Heartland with the truck two days later. Thankfully it hadn't snowed since the blizzard so they at least had some time to acclimate to the new conditions before anything could get worse. Addy had been getting better too and Bailey wondered if her recovery had any help from the Lucy bite on her hand. By the morning of the second day she seemed back to her old self but Bailey, still worried for her long time best friend, had made her promise she'd go back to Altura with them and get a full check from Doc and Red. She'd tried to get out of it at first but after Finn had sided with Bailey the red head had been persuaded.

Meanwhile, Tommy hadn't left her side for a minute the whole time they'd been at Heartland. They cuddled under a blanket together at night in the barn and Bailey swore there was no way 10K could keep a firmer grip around her waist. He never strayed far from her when they were awake either and ever since the zombies had backed Addy onto the river he never went anywhere without his rifle. Bailey had tried talking to him after realizing he'd been wearing his prosthetic for days without giving his wrist a break, she worried it could be chafing against his stump, but he wouldn't listen to what she said. Even at night when they went to bed he left it on saying that if something happened he wanted to be ready.

When Kaya did pull up to the barn that day their reunion was quick. They loaded their stuff into the truck next to the medicine she'd brought from Pacifica, Addy said goodbye to Finn and promised to see him later, Murphy called shotgun eager to get out of there and Bailey and 10K took the back seat. Bailey slept most of the ride and when she woke up Tommy told her they were almost back at Altura. Maybe another ten miles or so. His comment made Murphy groan and whine about needing a bathroom break so after rolling her eyes Kaya agreed and pulled over.

Addy stayed in the truck as they all got out. Bailey zipped up her jacket as close to her neck as she could to keep the chill out as she adjusted her grey knit scarf and the matching headband covering her ears as she stretched her legs and walked around a bit to get the blood flowing. She hadn't gotten sick in a while and was hoping that part of her pregnancy was over, she quickly did the math in her head. It had been a few weeks since she'd found out she was two months pregnant and the third month was when the morning sickness – she had no idea why they called it that since she'd gotten it in more than just the morning – was supposed to ease up.

"Hey." Tommy said quietly with his hand in his pocket and his rifle slung across his chest as he nudged her gently with his elbow. "How are you feeling?"

She smirked and looked at him, "You know you ask that about a dozen times a day right?"

"I know." He smiled and shrugged, "So? You feeling okay?"

She took a deep breath and put her gloved hands in her pockets too, "I guess. Still pretty tired. And I'm not looking forward to when I'll be going to the bathroom every ten minutes which will get annoying."

When he didn't say anything she turned to him and caught him staring at her stomach.

"Stop!" she said crossing her arms to cover her abdomen, "I'm not showing yet!"

He smirked not ashamed that he'd been caught, "Maybe a little. More than two months in you'd have a little bump by now."

Before she could ask him how on earth he'd know that there was the loud pop pop of gunshots and they all turned toward the sound – coming from the same direction Murphy had gone.

"Murphy!" Kaya shouted as Tommy readied his rifle and moved to stand in front of Bailey as she backed up to the truck, not looking for cover but to grab her gun she'd stashed in the pocket of the back door. When they heard Murphy scream but didn't see him they all ran after him. Addy stayed in the truck to guard their supplies knowing whatever was happening could be a distraction to rob them so they'd leave the truck unguarded.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now