Oneshots pt 4 of 4

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I figured since it's Memorial Day weekend I'll give you guys an extra chapter! 

Happy Memorial Day everyone, and no matter where you're from remember to thank your veterans and the men and women who still serve to protect our countries and homes!

The next update will be the first episode of season 7!!

One shot #7

Bailey was at the stove when Tommy came home that day. When he stepped through the door the smell of what she was making hit him and he looked amazed.

"Are you making tofu bacon?" he asked approaching her and looking over her shoulder as she put more pieces in the pan. Since no one could eat meat because of the virus they had to make do with tofu and after more than a year and a half in Altura Bailey had picked up a few good recipes.

"Yeah, I remember you saying yesterday how you missed it. I thought dinner could be BLT sandwiches."

He wrapped his arms around her from behind and kissed the side of her neck, "Wow you must really love me."

She turned and looked at him quizzically, amused by his comment, "You think that now just because I'm making bacon? It didn't occur to you when I was, I dunno, in labor with your child?" she asked playfully.

"Well that was different." He replied resting his head on her shoulder, "Once your body started going into labor you were kinda stuck seeing that through til the end. This you chose to do. On top of taking care of TJ, going to work and the million other things you do you still did this just because I mentioned it."

"Hmmm." She said turning back to dinner and picking up a piece of bacon from the plate the done pieces were cooling on. "Guess you're right." She said breaking a piece in half and popping one half into her mouth before bringing the other one to Tommy's lips and he grabbed it between his teeth before he started to chew, "I must really love you."

"Hmmm." He agreed swallowing before she leaned over and gave him a kiss on the cheek then he stole another piece of bacon and walked over to TJ who was playing in his playpen. He looked up at his Papa curiously and reached a hand out for the bacon in his hand.

"Papa." He whined clearly liking the smell and wanting some of what his father had.

"Sorry TJ you can't have bacon yet." Tommy said sitting on the bed, "But when you can you're gonna love it."

Bailey smiled as she watched her boys and 10K popped the piece of bacon into his mouth before he took TJ out of the playpen and started to entertain with him on the floor with his toys.


The next day TJ was fussing in Bailey's arms as they stood by 10K who was getting ready to go on his first supply run since TJ's birth. It wasn't going to be a long trip, just to the Mountaineers and back which would take two maybe three days. Bailey wasn't worried – well, she always worried but this trip was the least she'd have to – but the same couldn't be said for TJ. This was the first time his Papa was going away and he wasn't happy. He squirmed in Bailey's arms as 10K loaded his bag into the back of a military truck and the other members of the team got ready to go. Bailey smiled at him as he made his way over to say goodbye.

"I'll be back before you know it okay?" he said bringing his hand to her arm and leaning in to give her a kiss.

"I know you can handle yourself." She said still smiling knowing the moment he left she'd already be eager for him to come back. Now that 10K was close enough TJ wriggled until he got a firm hold on the collar of 10K's U.S.N. jacket.

"Papa no bye bye." He whined. He was almost two now and had been talking in more complete sentences and he'd been letting them both know the past couple of days how unhappy he was that his Papa was packing to leave. He had already gotten into 10K's bag once while their backs were turned for half a second and started throwing what he'd packed onto the floor. He let out loud wails when he overheard them talking about the T-R-I-P and once he'd even thrown a toy truck when Tommy tried to pick him up. Now his little whine broke her heart as 10K took TJ from her arms and held him.

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