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Hi guys, I have an awful update. I was working on this story, a document that was 8 seasons long and almost 670,000 words (over 1200 pages) and for some reason while I was editing when I went to save my computer said it couldn't and closed out of the word document. I thought this was no problem, so some periods and commas didn't get saved, whatever.
But then when I went to open the file again it was gone from my flash drive, vanished, disappeared.
Now I do have a tech guy coming over on Tuesday to look at my computer and the flash drive and I'm going to see if he can recover the data lost.
In the meantime this story is going to be on hiatus. I lost (I think) the end of season 5 and the 3 seasons I had done of my own work. I'm hoping to have it all back by next Saturday and be able to post again but I honestly have no idea how this is going to go.
I'm also in a state of shock because there was no progress bar, or buffering icon showing that the computer was working on deleting the file so I'm pinning my hopes on that that maybe the file is now just hidden and the I.T. guy will be able to locate it and restore it without a problem.
Needless to say I am in a state of shock, loss, I'm devastated, I feel like a failure and I can't even bring myself to think about 10K and Bailey because I feel like I failed them and all of you guys. Obviously this hasn't been good for my mental health and my depression has taken a deep hold on me. I've spent a good amount of time crying and feeling nauseous and sick to my stomach that I could be so stupid as to not save a back up after coming so far.
If you guys can pray for me or send me good vibes ANYTHING please do, in the state I'm in now I'm not sure if I can rewrite what I lost or carry on with any of my other story ideas I'm so terrified of this happening again. This may be it for me as a writer.
This was very near and dear to my heart and I poured my soul into it. I feel like a piece of me is missing and a huge hole is in my chest. I'm sorry to all of you who were enjoying this story. Hopefully I will recover the data and will be able to continue it (I'm praying Tuesday will go well and this nightmare will be over)
Any help you guys can give either advice, suggestions, prayers or positive energy is appreciated. Again, I'm so sorry.

Fracking Apocalypse - a ZNation 10K/Tommy FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz