Chapter 31

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The next day we had to go to school. 

We woke at 6, when it was still dark - well, I'm pretty sure we did, but everything felt like a dream. I wondered if the football tournament hadn't even happened, if I'd just imagined Jax's furious, earth-shattering confessions, then his mouth on mine, and that I was still imagining waking up beside him on the old couch now, limbs sore (tangled with his) and mind exultant. 

We squeezed out through the barely-open doorway again into fresh blue morning air, climbed quietly down the ladder, and jogged quickly around the corner, so as not to be seen. The storm had stopped, and everything was wet and clean. The building looked so different in the weak light than it had looked last night, in the pouring rain. 

I called an Uber, and asked the driver to take us to my house. 

Jax looked at me quickly. 

He'd nearly lived at my house, back when we were friends. The only time he'd returned was that night when he'd climbed through my window, drunk off his face, and beat me up and then kissed me. 

I tried not to smile. "What?" I said. "We can shower and get a change of clothes."

He paused, eyes flicking to the rearview mirror where he could see the face of the driver reflected. Had I said something that might give us away?

He looked back to me. "Together?"


"Can we shower together?" A nasty grin was creeping over his face. 

My heart stopped in my chest. "Uhhh..."

He leaned back, satisfied with the effects of his teasing. "All my shit is soaked, though. " 

I cleared my throat, "You can - you can wear something of mine. "

He turned his face out to the window, but I saw his cheek curve into a smile. 

My house was silent as we entered. My family typically didn't wake up until later. We crept up the stairs to my room, which my mom had tidied and vacuumed while I was gone, bless her. 

I was very conscious of Jax's eyes, roaming over every polished surface, very conscious of his presence in my room. For the first time, I felt the difference in our families' financial situations - something I had never noticed when I was younger. 

I got him a fresh towel, some of my clothes. He already knew I had an en suite bathroom - he already knew his whole way around the house. 

"You're really not coming?" He teased as he took them. 

I felt my face flush again. "Shut up. " I muttered. 

He paused, stared at me. "I mean it. " He said, quietly. "I mean everything I say to you." 

Silence. I bit the inside of my cheek. 

"No." I said. "I'm saving you for later. Not before school. Not while my parents are in the other room."

He stared at me for a bit longer, and then a grin crept slowly up the side of his face. 

"Alright, " He said, a lilt in his voice, playful, powerful, and then he turned and went into the bathroom. 

After a bit, I heard the shower start, and I couldn't help but imagine the hot water cascading over his golden skin. 

Abruptly, I turned out of my room and went downstairs to the kitchen. 

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