Chapter 26

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This books needs HUGEHUGEHUGE HUGEBJFNHSA revisions so it would be really cool if you guys commented what you like about the book and what you think I should change? the harsher the better thanks loves! 


We filed into the bus, a mix of Cobras and Wolverines scrambling to get to the back of the bus, pulling me along with them, hollering excitedly. Behind me, I heard Denver scoff as they shuffled aside to make room along the back row of seats for me in the middle. 

I chucked my bag into into the overhead compartment, seeing him sit down in the middle of the bus out of the corner of my eye, surrounded by his lackeys. 

I slumped down in the space the guys had made for me, and was immediately pressed in on either side by the broad shoulders of Ryan and Marc next to me. We scuffled a bit trying to get comfortable. 

"Jesus. " I said. "Couldn't some non-body builders have sat next to me?" 

The guys laughed and Ryan and Marc flexed to crush me even more. 

The bus started moving, the old bus driver in the front eyeing us apprehensively through the mirror. I glared at him, then put my earphones in and leaned back. 

Sitting down now, surrounded by guys in uniform, the stench of Lynx deodorant already suffocating the air, and the excitement of the guys all around, I felt a weird sense of déjà vu wash over me.  It had been a long time since I had gone on a sports tournament. 

Not since I was fourteen, actually. With Denver. 

I couldn't help but feel like some weird ass full circle shit was happening. 



At our first stop, hours after we had left, I turned around to glance at the back of the bus. 

Wilson had his eyes closed, head resting on the back of the seat, his white blonde hair spilling back off his forehead, an earbud in one ear. His long legs, encased in tracksuit sweatpants, stretched out in front of him. Marc's shoulder was pressed against his as they sat next to each other. 

I wondered what he was listening to. 

I wondered what it would feel like to have his shoulder pressed against mine. 

I turned back to face the front quickly. 



It was getting dark when we got there. The hotel we were staying at was actually kind of nice compared to the ones I had stayed in way back. It had a pool and heaps of common rooms. Some of them had pool tables. 

We loaded our shit from the bus, heaps of the guys pissy and tired from the bus ride. Out of the corner of my eye on my left, I saw Denver stretch and yawn, his shirt riding up, exposing a sliver of the warm gold skin of his stomach. I blinked hard, biting the inside of my cheek, and turned to grab my bags. 

We traipsed into the hotel through the turny circle push door, the boys being dicks and spinning it fast. The foyer was large and shiny, made of black tiles and gold bits which amplified our voices. There was a restaurant through the gold doors on the right. On the other side of the glass wall, heaps of people staying at the hotel were having dinner. Their heads turned our way. We got horrified looks from the old couples, who probably thought us noisy teenage boys were about to ruin their stay. There were two sisters about our age, with dark hair, having dinner with their parents further along in the restaurant next to the glass wall. Their eyes bugged when they saw us, clapping hands over their mouths and turning to each other in glee. Their parents also turned, confused, to see what they were freaking out about. When they saw it was us, they rolled their eyes and laughed. 

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