Chapter 19

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 im so sorry I have no excuse for lack of updates


Back at school, Denver's ex-girlfriend glared at him from across the classroom, while the rest of the guys in the class - including me - stared at her. 

I let my eyes drift lazily between them. I had missed my chance of revealing that I had slept with his other ex-girlfriend Mallory, but maybe this was how to get to him. 

Get the girl who dumped him.

As soon as Ms Finnegan dismissed us to "do our work", I got and and slid into the empty seat beside her. 

I leaned sideways, towards her. "He's ugly, isn't he. " I whispered conspiratorially to her. 

She visibly jumped, eyes widening in shock as she turned to me. Her eyes gave me a once over and I grinned. 

"What?" She said. 

"Denver. He's ugly, right?" 

She stared at me for a moment longer, then her lips curled up into a smile that looked like she had practised it in front of a mirror for ages. 

"Right. " She said. 

"He's got a weird nose. And weird ears. " I observed, then turned to her. "What do you think?" 

She turned back to look at Denver, her smile slipping. "Yes. He' hair. And his eyes are not even that pretty. "

I smirked. "What else?" 

She was on a roll now. "His hands aren't even that sexy. His teeth... they could be whiter. His smile is overly cocky. " 

"Correct. You seem like a smart girl. " I said. "What's your name?" 

The smile was back as she turned to me. "Sirena. What's yours?"

"Jax Wilson. "

Her mouth opened in astonishment. "You're Jax Wilson! I've heard a lot about you.

I saluted her. "All good things, I'm sure. "

She nodded, staring at me. "Mm. Very good. " 

She snapped herself out of it. "Well, Jax Wilson, you just saved my day. I think I'd like you to be my guide around the school. "

I turned away slightly, raising my eyebrows. Who did she think she was? 

Ah, fuck. The things I did to get under Denver's skin. 

"Yeah. I can guide you to the nearest janitor's closet. " I turned back to her, my eyes slitted, trying not to smile. 

She composed herself, her cheeks red. She tilted her head, tongue going to her cheek. "I'm looking forward to a very educational tour, then. " 

As soon as the bell rang, we were out the door and I slipped a hand around her waist pulling her towards the nearest janitor's closet - I had a mental map of them around the school. 

Once we were inside, with the door locked, our lips met immediately. 

I felt the familiar shock of kissing a stranger for the first time, and her lips were smooth and soft. She smelt good as well, like vanilla or something. She hardly kissed back, but most girls didn't really. 

I opened my eyes, glancing around the small closet, which was lit by weak fluorescent lights. The smell of bleach polluted the air. 

One of her arms slid around my back and pulled me closer. I wished Denver was here to see this. The other hand moved up to the back of my neck and then into my hand. 

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