Author's Note

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Thank you, lovely reader,  for getting to the end of The Bad Boy and The Other Bad Boy. I started this bloody book on October 9th, 2018, and now here we are, years after. I've grown and matured since, and my writing has as well. I really cringe when I read the first few chapters, so I am going to have to do a lot of revision. But disregarding that - I have finished my first ever first draft of a novel! I don't know how many of you are writers as well as readers, but it is such a crazy and fulfilling accomplishment. 

The next step for TBBATOBB is to sit and stew for a while, so that I am fresh and energetic when I come back to it and make serious revisions. 

After that - who knows, maybe it will be available to purchase on Amazon?


But for now, my plan is forward! I am never going to stop writing. 

However, I am taking a break from writing about gay characters, and my new story/stories will most likely be a bit different than this one is. I am going to begin a new and fresh account under a new pen name, which I can link here if enough people want me to - I know what it is like to find a writer who you personally like, but then losing them. 

However, I really don't want:

a) a headstart in readers for my new books from this account

b) expectations from readers here placed onto my new books - I really don't want to let anyone down if my new books aren't what you wanted them to be. Personally, of course, I am incredibly excited for them and I love the ideas I have for them (otherwise I wouldn't be writing them) but we are all different and have different preferences. 

Anyway, I'm sure most people don't even read Author's Notes, but for those do want to know what's next - there you go! 

Lastly, of course, I just want to say a massive, huge, gigantic thank you to all you readers - it's so crazy to have people all around the world getting invested in my story and delving into the world of TBBATOBB. My characters are so real to me, and I hope they are real to you too. 

Let me know if you want to know my new account!



The Bad Boy and the Other Bad BoyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ