Chapter 1. Me

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Who am I?

That's what my philosophy homework is about. What to write and where to start?

My name is Olivia, I turned 16 a few months ago and have the most handsome boyfriend Sterling who is soon to turn 17.
I live with my parents, my dad is one of my best friends. I have an older brother Owen who is 21 and a younger brother Jack who is 14. Owen is my best friend and a Jack idolises him.

My Dad is the Beta to our Alpha Brett, Brett is Sterling's dad. Everyone can tell Sterling has Alpha blood in him, which makes me even more attracted to him. A lot of the girls at school want him, partly for that reason, partly because he is athletic, tall and handsome. He is 195cm tall, has thick dirty blonde hair with light blue eyes. I've had a crush on him since we were 9 and was so happy when he told me he felt the same way a few kitbag ago. I know he will never be alpha, we both assume he will be the beta to his older brother. I don't mind though, I know I love him and he knows he loves me.

My parents and Sterling's parents have been friends since they were kids. So I've grown up with his family as much as my own. My older brother Owen is best friends with Sterling's older brother, Asher our future Alpha. Sterling and I got together a few months ago and our parents have stopped allowing us to have sleepovers together, which they didn't seem to mind until we started dating. We all used to be really close, however Asher has been acting cold towards me since Sterling and I got together. I don't really understand why as he is much older than me and has seen Sterling with other girls before and had girlfriends in the past himself. Owen keeps telling me to forget about it.

I am a person who believes in choice. A person who believes in free will. I believe in love, or more I believe in true love. I do not believe in soulmates. I do not believe in the moon goddess. I believe in freedom to love whom I choose. I believe in the importance of keeping promises. I believe in treating people fairly. I believe in equality.

My beliefs, dreams and ideals work well for me at school, outside of the compound and in my head. At home, my Dad tells me to believe and that it makes me strong and who I am. Owen tells me to dream and dream big. My Mom, she tells me to follow the pack, follow the Alpha's pack rules, to follow and uphold traditions.

My distaste for traditions, I guess that's why I tend to make friends with girls from school rather than those who live near me. My best friend from school, Em, she is so vocal about her opinions, she calls out things that she see's and the thing about her that I'm most jealous of - she gets to fall in love with whomever she wants without a 'moon goddess' interfering.

Most importantly I'm a she-wolf - a werewolf, park of the Nightwalker's Pack. I haven't met my wolf yet, but I can feel her coming and it can't be long now.

Nope I can't submit that to my teacher on Monday, we aren't meant to let the humans know about us. Us, yes us werewolf's.

I delete everything I just typed and start with with: 'Me, who am I? What is it to be a person vs a no person'. I keep typing although I feel like I am going round in circles but I have tried to answer it in a way my teacher is expecting.

I've finished trading for the evening, want to come round for a movie?

On my way! I'll order pizza.

I change into a pair of high waisted jeans and oversized light blue linen blouse. Nothing fancy but it will be comfortable to snuggle on the couch in.

"Dad, I'm off to Sterling's for a movie and pizza!"I shout as I'm running down the stairs.

"Have you finished your homework sweetheart? I want you to have options after you finish school, remember that." My dad answers whilst handing me money for the pizza I ordered. He always wants the best for me, he pushes me just hard enough, in school and my hobbies. "Yes Dad'", I groan whilst rolling my eyes but giving him a big grin when I'm finished. "Owen is there too, order Asher and Owen a pizza too please. Their parents are away for the weekend so no funny business and I expect Owen to walk you home when you want to leave.". I slip on my white sneakers before waving without turning around as I leave the house. Owen and Sterlingen wouldn't let me walk hike Aline anyway so I don't know why my Dad reminds me not to every time I stay out late.

"Sterling" , I sing as a waltz into the house, I haven't knocked when entering their house since I was 5. My mum says it's rude to barge into the Alphas house like that, but I just don't see him that way. I see Alpha Brett as my best friend, well now boyfriend's dad. I see him as my dad's best friend who we go camping with. I do not see him as the Alpha, someone who could order me around, someone I should submit too. I do not fear him like other wolfs outside of our pack do.

Sterling doesn't reply but I can see his legs from under the open fridge door so I run to him without looking at him and tickle his waist to surprise him. My eyes widen as I hear deep rumbling chuckles coming from behind me, that's my brothers laugh.

Uuugghhh what have I done now??

Author's Note:
This book is from Olivia's POV unless stated otherwise.

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