Chapter 9: Time

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It's been 9 months since Sterling birthday party. Maggie follows him around begging him to accept her every-time she sees him on pick land. Sterling and I both know Asher could order her into stopping but he won't do it. Asher and Sterling have gotten past their argument they had after the first night Sterling and I slept together.

Asher did move out into his née house that he built, Sterling says it isn't because of what he said that morning. New Alphas build there new homes, they show their status and power. I haven't been round although Owen and Sterling keep asking me to, I'm not sure why but I can't seem to go after Asher seeing me Sterling's bed that one time.

Sterling and I have become a bit rocky. I can tell he finds it hard to walk away from Maggie everyday, but he does it for me. I tell him I will do the same for him but he has started questioning if what we are doing is the right thing. I cry sometimes when we have the conversation, not because I think he will leave but because he doesn't trust me to reject my mate like I promised I would do.

My mum encourages me to let Sterling go every time she sees Maggie or Sterling. She says it's not fair what I have done for Sterling and only wants the best for us all and is assume that that the moon goddess knows wheat she is doing.

Sterling and I have slept with each other a few more times since his birthday. I know Sterling wishes I'd say yes more but I don't need the physical connection as much as he does. Being with him emotionally is enough for me. I haven't enjoyed it much more than the first time which is why I am so hesitant but he keeps saying it's because we haven't practiced enough. I don't know whether to give in or stick with how I am feeling.

It's my birthday tomorrow, my 18th birthday and I'm excited for Sterling and I to finally mark each other. The mark created a bind between two werewolf's and I'm positive I'll enjoy our sex more after our wolfs are actually bonded to one another. I know there is a possibility that I mate find my mate tomorrow. I actually practiced say 'I Olivia Reynolds, reject you as my mate' in the mirror. Mia howls in pain every time I say this but it's something I have to do, Mia will forgive me once she is bonded with Sterling's wolf.

I hear a knock on my door and get up of my bed to open it. "I got you an early birthday present Olivia" Sterling says before placing a kiss on my lips. "Really? Can I open it now or do I have to wait until tomorrow?" I ask Sterling eagerly. "Open it now" he says placing kisses along my neck this time. I can feel where this is going.

We go sit in my bed and I open the little navy squat box. My eyes widen with happiness as I see a beautiful white gold ring with continuous infinity symbols the whole way round it. "Sterling, this is beautiful" I gasp. "It's my promise to you that we are forever, tomorrow night be hard for you if you find you mate but remember you and I, we are forever" he says kissing me down my neck before pulling my T-shirt down I little to expose my bra.

I know what Sterling wants but I don't stop him, not today. He just gave me a beautiful promise ring and I can't wait to wear it to my party tomorrow. As usual, he doesn't focus on me very much in the heat of the moment hut makes sure to place my hand on his member before we actually have sex. We've only tried missionary, I don't mind to much as I get a great view of his arms and we can kiss, but sometime I wonder if I might enjoy it more if we did something else sometimes? I don't want to tell him that today as I can tell he wants to show me how close we are before tomorrow in case I do meet my mate. He really didn't need to worry, I know I will choose him like we've talked about for the last two years.

Sterling and I put our clothes back on before we head downstairs and watch a movie with Owen and Jack. Owen is still protective of me and still hates it when he can smell Sterling's sent on me, but what am I supposed to do? Jack will probably shift soon, he's turning 16 in a few weeks and then he'll know to. Uighur why do werewolf's have to be able to tell this sort of thing? I'm just glad my parents aren't home as they are away with Sterling parents but will be back intime for my 18th Birthday tomorrow.

Sterling decides to stay the night to Owens disgruntle, but I'm happy to be able to cuddle with him all night in only our underwear. I actually bought a matching lingerie set for tomorrow, as I hope Sterling will mark me as his then. I considered black but it made look to pale so I went for a lacy bright fuschia coloured matching push-up bra and thing. I normally don't wear push up bras but I thought the night I get marked might be a good opportunity to try it.

I hope Sterling enjoys the matching set as much as I do.

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