Chapter 10: Mate?

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I decided to have a birthday party out at the campsite where we sometimes go, the one near the lake. Everyone set up their tents earlier and we have a fire going and music blaring, but we aren't disturbing anyone as the nearest houses on our pack land are a 10 minute drive away. A few people are dancing and others are playing truth or dare resulting in 2 people so far having to go skinny dipping in the lake, luckily it's summer so it's not too cold.

Sterling and I are swaying to the music and are making out when I hear Asher talk through our mind link. 'Olivia, I came by your house to wish you a happy 18th birthday but your parents said you are already at your party. Where was my invite?' I keep dancing whilst replying via the mind-link 'I would have thought you as our Alpha would be to busy to attend an 18th birthday'.

'You aren't just anyone Olivia, I've known you since you were born. Of course I would come to your 18th , I thought you knew that' , is that saddens I hear? Was he really upset that I didn't invite him, my Alpha to my party/camping trip? 'A bunch of us are camping at our usual spot if you want to join, but you can say happy birthday tomorrow. You don't have to make it all the way out here now.' I say being reasonable. 'I'm on my way' he states before closing our mind link.

I think Sterling noticed I wasn't present there with him in that moment. He asks if I want to go skinny dipping but I shake my head laughing. I don't need everyone to see me butt naked and I've had a drink or two and don't think it's safe for me to go swimming. Not that Sterling or Owen would let anything happen to me but imaging having to be saved whilst swimming drunk and naked. Nope, no skinny dipping for me.

I sit with a few of my girl friends whilst Sterling and some of the boys go for a run in the woods in their wolf form in the dark. I think they are trying to show off as they did two laps around the camp fire first nudging a few of the girls in their passing. They head off and naturally our conversation turns to boys, one of the girls in the pack found her mate last week, a human man. We ask to many personal questions about how she will tell him before we turn to talking about which boys in the pack are still waiting for their mate.

Alpha Asher quickly becomes the main topic of interest, 3 of the girls are still under 18 and I know they hope they turn out to be his mate. We are giggling about Asher's mate options within our pack when Mia awakens in me 'that smell, we know what that means Olivia' I can hear Mia get excited. Mia wants to shift but I can't let that happen. I need to find my 'mate' in my human form so I can reject him before Mia takes over and begs the werewolf to mark us on the spot. I really wish she was more open to Sterling's wolf, I think me being with Sterling is a reason why Mia and I don't have the best of connections and often battle one another for dominance.

I didn't notice the girls had stopped laughing as Mia and I were in our own little world. "Happy Birthday Olivia" and I know it's Asher before I turn around.

"Asher... Alpha" I correct myself in front of the others wanting to show respect in front of them. "I wanted to see you on your birthday to congratulate you, it's a step up from your 4th birthday party. Princess barbie themed?" I send daggers at him with my eyes. Why did he have to bring that up now. He smirks at me like he knows something that I don't. I still need to figure out which guy that didn't go for the night run is my mate so I can reject them.

"Can we go for a walk?" Asher asks a real question, not commanding me like he could have in his Alpha tone. The girls giggle behind me as he stretches his hand out for me. I take it and in the moment I realise I'm in trouble. I instantly get warm and tingling sensations run up my hand flowing into my entire body. My eyes grow wide but neither of us say anything until we reach the edge of the Forrest, far enough away from the camp fire that they can't here us.

"You knew? You knew all this time and you didn't tell me?" I asked shocked not being able to get the rejection words out of my mouth like I have practiced over the last few days. "I know your promise with Sterling, but before you reject me. Please Olivia, give me a chance to prove to you that I will treat you right, respect you and treat you as my equal" I see tears forming in his eyes as he says this. Tears in my Alphas eyes, he truly is terrified of me rejecting him. I've never wanted Asher, I have always had eyes for Sterling. I mean he's my brothers best friend, he's nearly 4 years older than me and most of all I never could allow myself to have a crush on him as I knew he would be my Alpha and out of my league one day.

I have no words, why can't I just say I reject you? Why did the moon goddess have to prove to me she was real like this? Why Asher, why couldn't she have given me Sterling. Asher doesn't say anything and just leans his forehead on mine with his eyes closed. I'm frozen, my hands by my side as Mia is howling at me to expose our neck to our mate to let him mark us here and now.

"Olivia, Asher. What the fuck is going on?" I turn towards him but Asher doesn't move as we hear Sterling's angry voice from behind me.

'Mine' Asher and Sterling growl at the same time.

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