Chapter 2. Home

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I look up with my wide eyes seeing dark messy hair, not the dirty blonde hair I was expecting to see and realised I didn't just tickle Sterling. I actually tickled his older brother, my future Alpha, Asher. I can feel him tense under my hands, why are my hands still on him? I can feel myself blush, not from tickling him, we used to get into wrestling matches when we were younger. It's the fact that he feels warm and that the wolf in me that is waiting to come out is sitting deep inside of me is starting to move. Then there is also the fact that my brother nearly fell of the kitchen bar stool from laughing so hard at what just happen.

"Stop", Asher growls at me. I drop my hands but he repeats himself and that's when I realised he meant my brother. He wasn't growling at me, but why did he need Owen to stop laughing?

I grab a can of soda out of the open fridge to make it a little less awkward and as a push past Asher who is still holding the fridge door open I see Sterling with wet hair and a towel round his waist coming down the stairs.

My heart flutters. I can't help but bite my lip. He looks so good without a top on and the thought that he just got out of the shower after his training makes me day dream about him just standing there. Owen seems to notice, "Olivia, I'm picking a movie. Come join me on the couch whilst Sterling gets changed" he says giving Sterling a warning look.

"What was that for?"I ask Owen has he puts his arm around me and leads me to the couch. "This is why mum says you can't have sleepovers anymore", he says to me as though it is obvious. I hear a low growl coming from the kitchen and turn to see Asher listening to the conversation my brother and I are having. What is his problem? He's been acting like this since Sterling and I got together but neither him or Owen will talk to me about it.

"I'm going upstairs, call us when the pizzas arrive!" I state whilst placing the pizza money my dad gave us on the kitchen counter.

"No", Asher calls as I'm already half way up the stairs. I ignore him whilst looking back at Owen with a questioning look but forget about it as I knock on Sterling's door.

I don't wait for an answer and walk in on Sterling pulling on his boxers. I blush again, what is it with me blushing today? He just smiles at me like it doesn't bother him at all that I just got half a glimpse of him.
"Wait here I'll pop some clothes on" he says as he throws his wet towel over my face. "Sterling, eww" I shout and throw the towel back at him as he laughs whilst walking into the walk in wardrobe. He comes out in a pair of jeans and a white T-shirt. I like it.

He comes up to me, placing his hands on my waist and pulling me closer. He smells amazing, coconut shower gel I think. "How did I get so lucky Olivia?", he asks whilst kissing my neck. He's nearly 17, in a years time he might find his mate.

Most of our kind believe in soulmates, that the moon goddess has plans for us all and that she has paired us with our soulmate. Soulmates are meant to love each other, protect each other and be each other's everything. I don't believe in the stories, I can't believe it's true that your wolf just knows you are meant to be with someone. How can you trust someone your wolf likes the 'scent' of? I know in my heart I love Sterling, we have grown up together and grown from best friends to boyfriend and girlfriend. How can people, how can my mum think they know me better than I know myself? I know my answer, I will leave my mate for Sterling if I find my mate...

"It's only you and me, forever, no matter what" I say before planting a soft kiss on his lips. Sterling's hands find their way under my blouse, I think by accident as it is so loose but he doesn't remove them. "No matter what" he replies to me whilst pulling me even closer to him.

I know that we have to talk about the 'mates' thing soon. He knows where I stand and I want us to make a promise to one another to be with each other forever. I don't believe in mates, but if it happens to be true I still only want to be with Sterling. I dream about our future together, maybe even outside of this pack where the pressure of being with your 'mate' isn't a thing. I know he loves me, that's why I really hope he will agree to not leave each other for our mates 'if' that even happens.

I haven't told Owen or my parents about it, I don't really talk to Jack about it as he's a bit younger and wouldn't understand. Owen is 21, he hasn't found his mate yet and most werewolf's find theirs at 18, or so they say. As Owen hasn't found his yet, I believe not everyone has one and that I will also be like that and choose Sterling. The way I feel about Sterling is the way people describe that they feel about their mate, but as I'm not 16 I can't have a mate yet. This strengthens my belief that they are talking about love, maybe true love but not soul mate pairings from the moon goddess.

We hear the doorbell ring and Sterling let's go of my waist, taking my hand as we walk downstairs ready for pizza and a movie. I grab the pizza boxes out of Owen's hands as I run towards the couch placing the boxes on the coffee table. Sterling gets some plates and Asher picks an action movie. The pizzas are gone in about 10 mins, three big male werewolf's have big appetites.

I snuggle up to Sterling, interlacing our fingers. Sterling places a blanket over us so I start to play footsie with him, not wanting the others to notice. I'm happy we can all still hangout as friends, even since Sterling and I have gotten together. I feel bad for not bringing Jack along, I know how much he loves doing anything that Owen does but he's just so much younger and can get a little annoying copying his older brother. I smile every time Sterling gives me little pecks on my head or check whilst he's watching the movie. I don't mind that the other see, I mean we aren't making out or anything. I can see Ashers neck tense up out of the corner of my eye whenever Sterling does this, I just ignore him.

I wake up to Owen poking me in the side of my ribs to find that Sterling and I had fallen asleep on the couch together. The movie has ended and I know it is getting late. Owen and Asher went for a run in the wolf form along the pack boundary as they like to do every night.

"Time to go" he says to me. "Can't I just stay here? You'll probably come back here after you bring me home or are you going to the pack house for once?" I argue. "No, you're right. I'll come back here and stay in the quest room. Asher and I are having a few beers once you leave." Owen says. "Well then, if you're staying. Why can't I? You could text dad and tell him that as your staying you'll watch out for me here?", I wine, not liking the begging in my voice but happy to give anything a go if it means I can cuddle up to Sterling all night. "They don't want you staying in his room" Owen says and I assume he means our mum and dad for does the Alpha mind too?

"She can stay in my room Owen, I can crash on the couch. We will be up late anyway, it's Friday night." Asher interrupts the conversation between Owen and myself. How is Sterling sleeping through this? "You sure? Saves me from walking Olivia home" Owen shrugs. Yes, I'll try sneaking into Sterling's room in a few hours. I gently wake Sterling up and tell him I'm staying the night, his eyes light up but then darken as I tell him I'm staying is Asher's room.

I feel the growl coming under my hands from Sterling's chest before I hear it come out of his throat as he glares at his older brother.

What is it with these two?

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