Chapter 8: The Morning After

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I hear banging on Sterling's door, I nuzzle my face deeper into Sterling's neck his arms around my waist. "What??" Sterling shouts through the closed door. "Open the door now" Asher calls, his Alpha tone radiating into Sterling's bedroom. Sterling gets up and I moan about being woken up so early, it's not even 7am. "What did you do to her?" Asher growls at a naked Sterling, Sterling didn't care at all, I think it was him saying he's proud about last night. I pull the blanket up higher to my chin remembering I'm not wearing anything.

"We can't all be 21 year old virgins" Sterling laughs before he stops when the loudest growl I have ever heard come out of Asher's throat. "Olivia, go home. Now!" is all Asher says before he walks into his room and slams the door. Sterling's comes back to bed and kisses me begging me to stay the day. I can't defy I direct order like that from my Alpha though so I quickly get changed, I mumble a hurried good morning as I pass his parents on my way out of their house. I know his parents saw Sterling reject Maggie and I bet they can smell Sterling's sent all over me from last night.

I run home and slip up to my room quietly not wanting to wake anyone. I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, I forgot that everyone would be able to smell Sterling's scent on me. Ugh sometimes I hate being a werewolf and wish I were human. A lot of werewolf's wait to have sex until they meet their mate, but I have chosen who I'm going to be with forever so no one should care that Sterling and I bonded in that intimate way.

I think about last night, I've heard a few girls in school talk about their first time. Some said it hurt, some say they bled whilst others said they really enjoyed it. I've never had an orgasm and I'm pretty sure I would know if I actually had one last night. Did he want me to have one too? I didn't enjoy the actual sex much, it was nice to be so close to Sterling but I didn't like the feeling of him inside me. I hope it feels better the more we do it, I hope Sterlingen remembers to buy some condoms for next time. Maybe I'll pick some up after school outside of the pack boundaries, I don't need people to talk more about them knowing I'm not a virgin anymore.

Is that why Asher was so angry this morning, because he realised Sterling took two of the condoms from his bathroom? I don't get why he's so mad, sure Sterling rejected his mate and Asher being an Alpha wants order and peace in his pack. What Sterling and I decide to do or not had nothing to do with him, he knows Sterling and I love each other and it will be my turn next to reject my mate if I happen to be wrong about the 'moon goddess'.

It's my birthday in a few months, what if I also meet my mate. I don't even want to think about who it could be as I have to reject them anyway. Maybe I don't have one, I don't think I have one. If there is a moon goddess surely she knows I would just reject them and not give me one knowing I would hurt them.

My phone rings, I see it's Owen so I answer. "Hey Olivia, do you know what happened between Asher and Sterling?" Owen asks me. "Why, whats's up?" I ask. "Asher just said they got into a really bad fight this morning and they both ended up shifting and attacked each other. Asher has decided not to make Sterling his Beta or Third" he says. "Oh um, well I don't know how to say this but I'll guess you'll figure it out when you come over for dinner tonight. Sterling pretty much told him he took my virginity last night and called Asher a virgin." I tell my brother, I'm embarrassed but he'll find out sooner or later anyway.

"Olivia, Sterling has a mate. Why do you do that?" for the first time, my older brother sounds disappointed in me. "He rejected her, you saw that. Sterling and I made a promise to be with each other, whether we have other mates or not." I ramble quickly into my phone. "Olivia, what happens when you find you mate? What if you don't reject him? Maggie also didn't accept the rejection so she would have felt Sterling's betrayal last night when he was with you." he says sadly. "I didn't know mates worked like that. I made a promise to reject my mate, no one can dictate you I spend my life with but me. I choose Sterling" I answer.

"Look, I haven't found my mate yet and I'm turning 22 soon. I'd give anything to meet her. I will love her, respect her and be the best partner I can for her. You shouldn't speak so lightly about rejecting your mate. You never know what you will do in the moment. Just be open to the idea that it's ok to accept your mate if and when you find him. It doesn't make Sterling any worse if a boyfriend, it just means that there is someone else out there for him" I roll my eyes at Owen lecture. Am I speaking to my mum or Owen? I shobeje t think like this as I know his pain of not having met his mate yet runs deeper than he is letting on.

We hang up and I close my eyes drifting to sleep. I wake to text on my phone from Maggie.

How could you let him do that to me? I hope you rot in hell and that your mate rejects you so you know what it feels like. How could you trick him into sleeping with you. I'm his mate, let him go. Let him be happy with me.

I don't reply. What am I meant to say. I will not let him go and we will mark each other as mates as soon as I turn 18. I feel for her, I do. I'm sure Maggie believes in mates like most werewolf's do, but if only she could let it go she could be happy with someone she actually chooses to love. She doesn't know a Sterling the way I do, so how can she love him or feel so deeply for him?

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