Chapter 11: Asher's POV

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It's her 18th birthday today, I've waited nearly 4 years for this moment. The moment she realised that we are mates.

I know Olivia and Sterling have a silly childish packt to leave their mates for one another. My parents and I are still so disappointed in Sterling for rejecting Maggie. The whole pack can tell Maggie is in pain and as the Alpha I want my whole pack to be happy.

I moved out the day I found out that Sterling and Olivia slept together. How could I not? I mean, I know Olivia and I are mates, so how I could I sleep down the hall listening to what they are doing. It just hurt to much that I had to leave. I never told Sterling the real reason, as I didn't know what to say.

My brother, break up with your girlfriend whom you love, because she is may mate? They wouldn't have accepted it and I didn't want them to run off and leave the pack. Instead I watched my you get brother love my mate. Mine.

I hope Olivia realises I have loved her since I found out. I loved her enough and respected her enough to let her live her life, let her be with whom ever she wanted and not interfere. Even if that happened to be with my brother, even though it hurt me everyday. I know she doesn't believe in the moon goddess so who am I tell her I'm her mate before she's 18?

I need to see her today, on her birthday. I need her to know we are mates and how I feel. She is going to be the Luna of our pack. What will happen if she rejects me? Alphas are so rarely rejected, but what if she does? How can our pack survive without our rightful Luna?

I'm pacing up and down my large living room, in the house I started building with Olivia in mind when I first realised he was my mate. It's in a forest clearing only 5 mins walk away from Olivia's parents as I thought she would want to he close to her family. I haven't told Owen but I think he knows that she is my mate. He's my best friend but how can I tell him that I love his little sister, especially her being nearly 4 years younger than me?

That's it, I have to find her and tell her happy birthday tonight. I run upstairs to get changed out of my sweats and into a dark pair of jeans and a white fitted button up shirt. Do I bring her a present, do I write her a birthday card? No, but hopefully on her next birthday I can do both those things. I know Sterling went to celebrate with her and Owen is there too. I forgot to ask where they were celebrating as I have been avoiding everyone in the week leading up to today. Too nervous for the possible rejection.

I walk to Olivia's house and her mum answers after I know on the front door. "Alpha, I think we both know that today is a bug day for you and Olivia. Don't let her reject you, you have to change her mind. The moon goddess does not forgive rejection easily" her mum tells me before I can ask where Olivia is. "What? How did you know?" I ask, I thought I had hidden it well. "I think the reason she has such a connection with you brother is because you are her true mate, the timing and their age gap just happened to be right for them in the moment. I see how you look at her, how you protect her from a far. I know she can be your Luna, please show her you could be good for her. They are at our usual camp site, good luck Alpha Asher" she says before closing the door on me.

I mind link Olivia, disappointed that I didn't get an invite to her party. I understand though, if tried to stay away from her and Sterling as much as possible since that one morning. I strip and run in my wolf for holding my clothes in my teeth, I'm quick and it ok not takes me 20 mins. I stop in the woods to shift and put my clothes back on. I can here the party going, I can smell the camp fire and booze, but most of all I can smell apple blossoms and cinnamon in the air. I can smell my mate.

"Happy Birthday Olivia" I say standing behind Olivia as she is talking with her girlfriends. I can't see Sterling around, good. I do notice the girls have stopped talking and one of them is batting her eyelids at me and two look at me with wide eyes. I guess they weren't expecting me to show up at Olivia's party.

"Asher... Alpha" she says in her wonderful strong voice. I hate when she calls me Alpha, I only ever want I be her equal but I don't bring it up in front of her friends and let it go.

"I wanted to see you on your birthday to congratulate you, it's a step up from your 4th birthday party. Princess barbie themed?" why oh why did I have to embarrass her? Couldn't I have just said happy birthday? I see her blush and she is just so beautiful in this light. I get up the nerve so I ask her "Cam we go for a walk?". I give her the choice to refuse, I will not use my alpha commands on her, not on my future Luna.

I stretch out my hand and I'm surprised when she takes it and her touch feels amazing, magical. In that moment I know she knows we are mates, she gasps and her eyes go wide. I walk to to the forest, away from the clearing. I have some explaining to do but where to start? My heart beat is getting faster and faster, my planks are starting to sweet, can she tell? "You knew? You knew all this time and didn't tell me?", Olivia says shock present in her voice.

"I know your promise with Sterling, but before you reject me. Please Olivia, give me a chance to prove to you that I will treat you right, respect you and treat you as my equal" I can't stop myself but tears form in my eyes at the thought of her rejecting me, us me and my wolf. The thought of her rejecting our pack and her place as Luna is breaking my heart. I wish she would tell me what she is thinking, how she is feeling. I wish she would say anything, I don't know what to do, we're my words enough? Will she let me prove myself to her?

I close my eyes taking in deep breaths that are saturated in her scent, I want to nuzzle myself into her neck but I know that is crossing a line. Before Ei know it my forehead is resting on hers and I feel her heart beat increasing to match mine. Her hands are limo next to her side, are they shaking? I wish they were around my waist but I can't ask her for that, not until I know if she will reject me or not!

"Olivia, Asher. What the fuck is going on" Olivia turns around but I stay still, I heard and smelt him coming. I didn't care, I guess part of me hoped he would see us and do the right thing and let her be with her mate, let me be with me. A reasonable part of me feels bad for what I did, feels bad for what my brother just walked in on. He knew he wasn't her mate but I think he thought Olivia would instantly reject who ever it was.

'Mine' I snarl at the same time as Sterling let's put a growl.

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