A/N: Thank you! And new ATLA story

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First I want to give a huge THANK YOU! I have been so overwhelmed by the comments I have received for Blazing Crystal. I have enjoyed following commentary throughout the chapters and hearing what you all think of Crystal and Zuko's journey. This story was so much fun to write, despite it taking many years to do so. As I've stated before, I will not be continuing Crystal and Zuko's tale because I feel like they have reached a perfect ending. Thank you for understanding my desire to not continue this story and leave it the way it is. One day I may consider the comics but that will depend on if I can ever find good copies to read. Until then, this is where the tale comes to a close.

But I wanted to put here for those who may not know, and may be interested, that I did start a new ATLA story. It is a ZukoxOC as well. If you want to check it out the story is called "The Tale of Amara". It follows the series as well but of course there are many modifications because I don't like going word for word from the show. My character has a much darker past than Crystal, but she has started to grow so much as the story progresses. Check it out if your interested!

Thanks again everyone for reading and showing so much support! You all keep me writing! ❤️


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