Chapter 2: Meeting Fire

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Chapter 2: Meeting Fire

"You what?!" Sokka shouted, grabbing my shoulders with worry.

After leaving the Fire Navy ship I'd managed to run back to the village. When I got there, I was out of breath and still shaking from the sight of the massive vessel. Sokka was the first to spot me and he looked very concerned. When he questioned my frazzled state, I told him what happened. "I... I just panicked... and ran..."

He was astounded and disappointed. "You all shouldn't have even been near that area! That ship is dangerous! What were you guys thinking?"

Wincing, I said, "It wasn't our fault. We were just penguin sledding and somehow ended up at the spot. Katara knows better, Sokka. I'm sure she didn't go on that ship. I- I'm sure she left just like me. Don't be mad. We just didn't think about it..."

My brother sighed. "Sorry... I guess this whole airbender thing has me on edge. If the Fire Nation finds out we have Aang here they'll destroy this village."

"They won't find out," I promised. "The Fire Nation has no reason to come-"

A sudden explosion and whistle from the distance cut me off. Sokka and I turned in surprise. The direction I'd just run from now had a ball of fire flying up towards the sky, and I felt dread fill inside me. "No Katara... You didn't..."

Sokka suddenly snapped, "She did! And I bet it was that airbender's doing! I knew we shouldn't have trusted him!"

"Sokka... Calm down," I said. "It was probably an accident."

Sokka turned and looked at me annoyed. "Do you know what this means? If any naval ship is near here they'll be at our door in a second! We've hidden so well these last few months, but the flare will lead them towards us!"

My eyes widened at his words and I covered my scar with a shaking hand. My other hand gripped my forearm to hug myself. Sokka noticed how much his words affected me. "Crys... I'm not going to let them hurt you again," Sokka suddenly whispered, grabbing my hand from my face and pulling me into a hug. I hugged him back but my heart pounded heavily.

Sokka then turned away from me. "I'm going to round up the villagers. We're sending that boy away immediately."

His words surprised me. I came out of my shock. "What? You can't just send him away! You don't know what happened. At least give him a trial or something!"

Sokka scowled. "He doesn't belong here. Outsiders aren't welcome and he needs to leave! Everything was fine until that boy appeared! Now we're probably screwed!" He ran from me, back towards the other villagers who were gathering to see the flare in the sky. I flinched at his rage. I didn't want him to blame the boy for this. From knowing Aang in the brief time I had, he seemed to be a good kid.

About twenty minutes later, we watched Aang and Katara approach the village. We were all gathered at the entrance and Sokka was in front ready to lay down the law. Katara looked at me with question and I dropped my gaze, unable to believe I was letting Sokka go through with this.

"I knew it! You signaled the Fire Navy with that flare!" Sokka accused, pointing at Aang with fury.

Katara stepped in front of the boy with defense. "Aang didn't do anything! It was an accident!"

"Yeh, we were on the ship and there was this booby trap and well...we 'boobied' right into it," Aang said, rubbing his bald head sheepishly.

Gran Gran looked disappointed. "Katara, you shouldn't have gone on that ship. Now we could all be in danger!"

Aang immediately intervened. His face twisted with guilt. "Don't blame Katara. I brought her there. It's my fault."

"Aha! The traitor confesses!"

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