Chapter 9: Hot Springs

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Chapter 9: Hot Springs

Standing on deck, I stayed to the shadows as I silently followed Zuko. He was out for a morning walk; his face appeared conflicted as he strolled along the edge of the ship. He let his hand trail along the ship railing as he stared at the horizon.

For twenty-four hours I'd been debating what I should do. I desired to speak to Zuko, but I didn't know what to say. Late last night, I walked down the hall to the room he was staying in. I'd thought I was ready to speak to him, so I knocked on his door. However, as I heard the latch on the inside start to move, I panicked and took off down the hall. Quickly, I darted around a corner and hid, covering my mouth so he wouldn't hear me breathe. I assumed he realized no one was there, and shut the door to return to bed. Sighing heavily, I kicked myself for panicking and being a coward.

Here I was again though. I was being a coward once more as I tailed Zuko but kept out of his sight. I fumbled through my mind for what I should say, but words just didn't come. Every once and a while, Zuko would stop and turn his head; I jumped out of sight quickly behind a crate or barrel. When he would continue walking, I'd let out a heavy sigh and start forward again. The crewmen near me snickered at my actions, and I blushed trying to ignore them.

It seemed I followed Zuko for half an hour, and there were numerous points where I thought I was going to say something.

Coward! Just talk to him!

He stopped walking again, and I knew it was my chance. "Zuko..."

He didn't hear me, his eyes set down at the water below and his brows furrowed.

"Um... Zu-"

The ship tilted suddenly, and I gasped as I lost my footing. My body stumbled back and I hit the rail rather hard. Zuko had gasped too and clutched his rail for dear life. The ship was turning direction, and as it tilted more I felt my body press harder to the rail. The water below looked intimidating, and I feared I'd fall overboard.

"What?! Crystal?!"

I shut my eyes not wanting to fall in the water. My hands started to slip as the ship finished its turn, and I felt my body lift as I almost dropped over the rail. Then a strong arm wrapped around my waist, and I was jerked to a very warm body to be weighed down.

The ship started to even out, and the rail's pressure on my body let up some. A few seconds later, once the ship evened out, I'd fallen to my knees. My savior was on his knees as well, and he breathed heavily as he continued to hold me close. My body shook and I clutched onto my savior's shirt with tight fists. I had not wanted to fall into the water... I couldn't swim... Thank the spirits Zuko had grabbed me...

Zuko muttered in my ear, slightly irritated. "What the Agni was that? Are they trying to capsize the ship?"

Looking up at Zuko, I saw his eyes were shut as he caught his breath. My gaze looked over his face, which was extremely close to my own. I could feel his breath blow on my skin each time he exhaled. It still smelled like mint-tea.

"Um... Thanks," I said softly.

The young prince holding me calmed his breathing and looked down at me with question. Then realization struck him, his cheeks reddened, and he quickly let me go. Standing swiftly, he stepped back to give us some distance. I shakily got back to my feet and wiped sweat off my brow with the back of my hand.

"Uh... You're welcome," Zuko muttered. His eyes stayed on me, and I could tell he was puzzled to see I wasn't trying to kill him. He kept cautious though, ready to block me if I for some reason did lash at him. "I'm guessing you're the one who's been following me then?"

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