Chapter 65: Flight or Fight

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Chapter 65: Flight or Fight

(Crystal POV)

The sun seeped in through the window and shined on my face as morning arrived. Slowly opening my eyes, I saw Zuko was still sleeping next to me from exhaustion. I could tell he was tired. Usually, he was awake by sunrise. This morning he seemed to be in a much needed deep sleep. His face seemed peaceful, and I was glad to see him relaxed for once. He had earned the break after saving my father and Suki.

As I lay beside him, I looked over his features in the light and ached to touch his cheek to feel his warmth on my hand. I resisted the urge though, knowing that my touch would wake him. He had washed up before going to sleep, and his hair was messy from the pillow he rested his head on. I loved his hair long and messy though. Before, when he kept his hair in a topknot he looked so rigid and confined. Since the South Pole though, I could see so much change in him. Not only his hair, but also his body. He was so much more relaxed, and so much healthier than before. The stress and anger in him before meeting me had probably been destroying him from the inside out. Being with us, Zuko had finally found happiness and peace.

After a few more minutes of staring at his sleeping face, I decided the group would start to wonder where I was. I didn't think my brother or father would be thrilled if they discovered I was sleeping beside Zuko. While my dad had accepted Zuko finally as my future husband, I knew seeing us so close would greatly earn us some disapproval. With caution, I tried to sit up carefully to not disturb him. As I went to sit up though, his arm wrapped around my waist and he pulled me back to him.

"No... Five more minutes," he whispered with a tired voice. "Please."

I sighed as I nestled my head against his chest again. "If Sokka or my dad see us we're dead meat," I joked softly. "They've probably noticed I didn't sleep on my mat."

Zuko pulled me tighter. "I've dealt with both of their wrath before. I think I can handle it again. It's not the first time we've done this before."

I shut my eyes as he pressed his face into my hair. "But before we were miles from my dad," I joked. "Don't say I didn't warn you."

We fell quiet as the two of us rested with one another for a little longer. Zuko didn't let me go, and I knew I was pretty much trapped until he was ready to release me. After a moment, he asked softly, "Did you sleep?"

I gave a small smile. "Yeah. Finally dreamless. I guess I'm just relieved you made it back safely."

"Honestly, Sokka had me worried. I was really stressed we were going to be trapped there."

I frowned then. Opening my eyes I stared at the fabric of his shirt but let my mind wander a bit. "I overheard you and Sokka last night... Is it true Mai helped you escape?"

Zuko sighed. "Yeah..."

I felt my heart clench a little. I knew why. Mai had feelings for Zuko, and for a second I felt insecure.

Zuko must've sensed my feelings. He brushed a hand through my hair. "We spoke to one another, and I explained to her my feelings towards you. She wasn't thrilled, but I think she finally understands. I tried to convince her that Azula isn't the one she should be loyal to. My pep talk must've worked. I only fear she is being imprisoned now for treachery."

I was silent for a moment as I thought of Mai. Even though she was creepy and cruel to me, I could only imagine to Zuko she was just misunderstood. I thought back to her putting a knife to my throat, and shoving my face into a bowl of mush like an abused animal. While I wanted to believe Zuko that Mai was confused and misunderstood, it was really hard to find it in my heart to forgive her for all she had done in the past. At least with Ty Lee, the one time she struck at me was to paralyze me to help my pain. Ty Lee always found ways to help me, while Mai was blinded by envy and constantly hurt me.

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