Chapter 69: The Reunion

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Let me just say... if it wasn't for you amazing readers I may have never gotten this close to finishing this story. Thanks for your constant support and for reading. I love your comments throughout as well: very entertaining. It feels good that this story will not go unfinished. A few more chapters to go. I am not sure if I will continue into the comics or not. After I finish this, I may take a breather for a few weeks. But it's also boring at work due to Covid, so I may get some inspiration.

Anyway... enjoy!

Chapter 69: The Reunion

Appa groaned and plopped down on the dirt, exhausted from his flight. We slid off of him, and I walked over to his nose to pat him with gratitude. "Good boy. Take a rest. We'll be back soon," I said.

Appa nudged me with his nose to let me know he was okay. His eyes showed he was worried though. I knew exactly who was on his mind.

"I know, buddy... I'm worried too... but I'm sure Aang's fine. And Momo. We'll see them soon."

Appa nudged me again to thank me for my comfort.

As I stepped back over to the group who were gathered a few meters from the entrance to the loud and shady building, I could see the puzzled expressions on Katara, Sokka, and Suki's face. We weren't exactly the kind of group to go to fishy places like this in the night. I could already smell the strong pungent odor of alcohol wafting from inside. The music inside was blaring and really loud. I could hear shouts and laughter as well.

Toph was the only one out of all of us who looked excited and eager to enter. "Sweet place you brought us to, Sparky!"

"We're not here for fun, Toph." Zuko spoke, taking charge. He looked over at the rest of us with a firm gaze. "Everyone keep close. This isn't a tea shop." He glanced over at Sokka. "Keep an eye on the girls."

Toph spoke up with disbelief. "Really? Don't get paternal just because you're a married man now, Sparky! What's the big deal? It's a tavern. You worried there might be some shady characters inside? Back when I was the Blind Bandit I met guys far worse, and they were sober!"

Zuko stepped over to me, putting an arm around my waist as Toph spoke. He responded to her with resolve. "I'm not worried about you, Toph. You'll bury the whole place if someone messes with you. It's the others. I've been to taverns like this before. I would make you all stay outside, but I know none of you would listen to me."

Suki laughed. "Aw. Zuko's worried about our safety, girls. Isn't that sweet."

Sokka was nervous now as he glanced at the drunk man passed out in the grass. "Maybe Zuko's right... Maybe he and I should just go in..."

Katara groaned. "Will you guys stop being so overprotective and sexist! We're all fighters! If someone tries anything they'll be pounded by Suki, or frozen to a wall by Crys and I!"

Zuko sighed. "Just keep close."

We headed inside then. Zuko pulled me closer as we passed a few tables with some men already wasted. There were a few women in the room, but they were definitely drunk themselves or enjoying the atmosphere.

Katara finally asked Zuko as she kept close to Sokka who held Suki's hand, "And the reason you brought us to a seedy Earth Kingdom tavern is what now?"

Zuko pointed at a table in the distance. "June."

The dark haired thin lady in her late twenties looked just as she had the last time I saw her. She wore the same dark clothes, and had the same shine of greed in her eyes. She appeared to be sipping tea, which was surprising since it seemed the main beverage of the shop was alcoholic.

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