Chapter 23: Song of the South

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Chapter 23: Song of the South

(Crystal POV)

The hustle and bustle of the Earth Kingdom village we arrived only an hour earlier at was deafening to my ears. When we emerged from the forest, crossed the bridge, and entered the busy city of travelers and traders we found ourselves quickly discussing how to get food. We hadn't had a full meal since dinner the night before.

It had been a little over a week since I'd told Zuko and Iroh about my scars, and that next morning we'd continued our journey as fugitives on the run. We started to see flyers being posted near Fire Nation colonies we passed of our descriptions. There was even a drawing of Zuko as well, with special detail to his scar. He tore down each one he saw in rage.

About three days ago, I'd also asked Zuko to teach me how to swim. He was surprised by my plea, and willingly did so since he had promised. As Iroh sat to the side on the bank of a deep pond to watch us, Zuko stood shirtless in the water while I took off my outer clothes leaving on my shifts. He wasn't thrilled everything was exposed apart from my chest and the area above my knees, but he decided fussing about it would get us nowhere. He said it concerned him because I was attractive and someone passing by would notice too. I only blushed from his concern and told him I wasn't worried.

He backed up into the deeper water, and instructed me the best he could. He told me to start with floating first, and so I tried to do just that. It took many attempts, but eventually I was successful. Then he moved on to teach me how to push myself through the water with my hands and feet, how to float on my back, and how to wolf-dog paddle. Three hours of practice later, and I was able to swim a good five meters. Each time I practiced my strokes, Zuko would always be at the end of my stretch to help me get back to the shallows.

Although I still wasn't good at treading water, Zuko told me I made great progress for someone learning so late. Iroh encouraged me to keep practicing on our journey, and stated I would become an expert one day.

"Crystal," Iroh suddenly spoke from where he sat beside me, and held out a sunhat towards me made out of twigs. "Put this on dear. You'll get sunburn."

Deciding not to argue, I gratefully took the hat from him and placed it on my head. Zan was curled up behind me, and suddenly tried to take the hat from my head. I giggled and lightly shoved his head away, saying, "No Zan... I'll let you play with it later." He pressed his beak to my cheek, and then dropped his head back on the straw mat we were seated on drifting back into a nap.

Zuko let out a heavy sigh beside me, and pulled his own twig hat down lower on his face. Iroh took his own hat off his head suddenly, and held it out to a passerby. "Any change you have to spare? We're travelers just looking for a meal." I was astonished as the couple he'd extended his begging towards kindly tossed some copper coins in his hat. He bowed his head. "May the spirits bless you."

As Iroh continued to beg for money, I leaned against Zuko who was lounged back against Zan. His arms were crossed, but he felt my touch and suddenly wrapped an arm around my shoulders pulling me into his side. We stayed comfortably like that for another hour, and Iroh kept up his pitiful begging.

"Spare coins for weary travelers?"

A man threw some coins into the hat, and Iroh thanked him.

Zuko raised his head suddenly and turned his eyes towards Iroh. "This is humiliating! We're royalty. These people should be giving us whatever we want."

Rolling my eyes, I looked up at Zuko's face with disbelief. "These people don't know that though."

Iroh nodded. "Patience, Zuko. They will give - if you ask nicely." A woman suddenly walked past, dressed in fine emerald clothing. He extended his hat towards her. "Spare change for a hungry old man?"

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