Chapter 14: Two Worlds Apart

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Chapter 14: Two Worlds Apart

(Crystal POV)

My right arm rested in the sling Iroh had helped tie around me earlier. My arm was pretty busted and still hurt like crazy. It had been a week since the storm, and we were still headed a path north. Zuko finally realized on his own where the Avatar was headed, coming to the understanding that Aang was trying to find a master waterbender. What better place to find one than at the North Pole...?

Currently the ship was docked at a trading port. A group of crewmen left to go buy some supplies upon Iroh's order. While they were gone, Zuko and Iroh decided to go train some below deck in meditation. Iroh asked if I wanted to come, but I knew my presence would only distract them both. I just smiled and told them to go on without me. They did so, although Iroh reminded me before he went that I needed to take my medicinal herbs before lunch. I nodded to let him know I would.

Being alone on deck, I was able to think as I walked along the edge of the ship and stared out at the town before me. My good hand slid along the rail as I went. Humming, I watched as the town's people walked back and forth going about their daily business. They looked like small creatures from where I stood.

As I was left to my thoughts, I recalled the understanding I had come to a few days ago. Letting Iroh burn the parchment in which I had kept track of my days of imprisonment, I finally had let go of the thought of me only being a prisoner to Zuko. I had started to feel for him as a friend... no... something even more than a friend...

However, I was conflicted by the feelings I had towards Zuko. While I was glad to finally know what love and affection towards a man felt like, and was relieved that I had found this love on my own without the influence of my tribe, I still felt uncertain about it all.

Zuko was the Fire Lord's son. He desired to lead the Fire Nation one day as the Fire Lord himself and continue conquering the world. He was after my family and Aang... and... No matter what, I was still a prisoner to him despite no longer being treated as one.

I knew if Zuko managed to capture Aang, and we went to the Fire Nation, the feelings I had towards him would be a waste. He would choose his honor. He would hand me over to his father.

Yet, as much as I considered these possibilities and tried to stop my feelings, I couldn't. The kindness and care Zuko constantly extended towards me, and his eagerness to make me happy and comfortable, only made my heart swell more with adoration. I'd always longed to find someone to love who accepted me for who I was and not who my father was. I'd always wanted to be seen as something beautiful rather than a dark memory of the past.

Zuko didn't see me for my scars... he told me I was beautiful. He enjoyed having me around. I was not a painful memory to him like I was to the other people of my tribe. I was a welcomed presence to him. In the last few days he spent a lot of his time with me, concerned about my health and wanting to make sure I was safe. I could see he had a similar affection towards me. The look in his eyes. His touch. The way he spoke to me...

However, I was scared of what could happen to us in the future. Because... I knew deep in my heart, Prince Zuko would choose his honor over me when the time came.

This fact alone only made me question further why I had fallen in love with him... Why had fate moved my heart towards the one man I feared I could not have?

Steps approached me suddenly. I jumped a bit from the sound. I had been so wrapped in my thoughts, I had forgotten about the guard who had been watching me from a few yards away. "Hey... You should head down below," my good guard friend Hul stated. "You need to take the herbs."

Rolling my eyes, I turned to Hul with kindness. "Stop worrying all the time. A broken arm isn't all that bad."

Ever since the storm, Hul had been eager to keep an eye on me. He told Iroh and Zuko he wanted to repay me for saving his life the other day. Hul had been the one I saved from falling overboard. He felt bad for not protecting me in return, and wanted to make up for it. When Iroh informed me Hul would look after me when he and Zuko weren't around, I was both surprised and grateful. The guard was definitely not a bad company to have around.

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