Chapter 3- Just as Confused

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Alexandra's Point of View

Since meeting Tyler in the airport, being back in Boston hadn't been that bad. His texts and mysterious ways had added excitement to the ever boring 'the kids are home from college, let's throw a small get together' and by small we were talking three hundred people and cocktail dresses. Tonight was the night of the game and I was looking forward to the evening ahead.

"Alexandra Faith! Will you turn down that god awful crooning?" My mother called from the stairwell in our foyer. I rolled my eyes and turned my country music up louder to piss her off.

"Hey Ally Cat!" A familiar voice called from behind me, opening my bedroom door. "The witch told me to tell you to turn down your music."

"Becca!" I dropped my curling wand and ran over to give my oldest best friend a hug. "Wow you look gorgeous. Cali's treating you nicely." I meant it. Her naturally blonde hair was sun bleached and toned body tanned to perfection.

"I could say Dally's doing the same." She remarked, eyeing Tyler's jersey. "You trading teams? I'm so excited for tonight's game! And it's Friday. Partay!"

I laughed and went back to adding waves to my hair. "Its kind of a long story. What are we doing before the game anyways?"

"Dinner at the Hard Rock with Natalie and Kaila then maybe going to see Tiffany if there's time?" She suggested while flopping down onto my bed. "I've missed you so much Ally. And this bed. Listen, There's this guy I'm like in love with..." She started to ramble as I finished my hair, oblivious to the fact that I half listening to her. I was so excited to see Tyler again tonight hopefully. After he flies home tomorrow night, will I see him again in Dallas?

"Who's Tyler?" Becca asked, breaking me from my thoughts.

"A friend from Dallas why?" I half lied, not ready to tell her the whole truth just yet.

"He just texted you." She tossed me my phone and I anxiously opened Tyler's text. We had been going back and forth for a while today, but he had told me a little over an hour ago he had to go get ready.

Tyler: < where's your seat again? >

Me: < Center ice, about seven rows up. It's like dead center Ty. You'll see me. I'm in your jersey after all >


Tyler: < I mean, that's cool thanks >

Me: < well I'll take it off if you don't want me too? >

Tyler: < no. Don't. I'll see you after the game bring extra cash ;) >

Me: < ??? >

Tyler: < well. Were gonna win so, you'll be seeing me. And you know the deal. C u soon short stuff >

"Hair up or down?" I said turning my back to Becca and experimenting with my hair style.

"SEGUIN?" She screamed looking at my back. "As in Tyler... OH MY GOSH YOU'RE TEXTING TYLER SEGUIN?"

"Um. Yeah. I guess. It's a long story" I stuttered.

"Which you're telling tonight at dinner," she shrieked. "What's this say?" She pointed to the left shoulder blade, where Tyler had inscribed a message to me.

"Looser buys food? Heart, Tyler Seguin," Becca questioned. "You're not hanging out with us after the game?"

"Um. I guess not. I hoped you wouldn't mind?" I dropped my head. I was technically breaking our tradition but I was really excited to see Tyler. "We gotta get going Bec," I said glancing at the clock. I added Rose's hunter boots and my black fuzzy North Face to complete the outfit. We made our way down the stairwell to the kitchen where my family were sitting and eating. Thanks for the invite guys, I thought as we walked through. The harsh clanging of metal rang through the air as someone dropped their fork.

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