Chapter 14- I Couldn't Help But Hope

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*Important authors note at the end, please read and leave feedback*

Tyler's Point of View

"Tyler Paul Seguin, what did I ever do to you?" Alex yelled from the bathroom where she had been throwing up since after breakfast this morning. "I will never let you cook ever again."

"I'm sorry! I really am. I thought the eggs were still good. I didn't mean to give you food poisoning, I promise." I said, walking into the bathroom while tying my tie before I left for tonight's game. I laughed as she flipped me off before gagging again.

Alex moved her head so it was laying against the cold porcelain seat. Her entire face was pale, except for her cheeks which were bright red. "I think I've dropped at least two dress sizes since eating those eggs. So thank you, but next time don't cook me breakfast. Can you help me up?" She groaned.

I picked her up and slowly carried her over to our bed. As she moved to pull up an extra blanket we kept on the bed for her, I decided to just tuck her in instead. "There's a Gatorade, water and crackers on the nightstand. Are you sure you're going to be okay? I can have someone come stay with you," I offered, knowing that she'd refuse no matter what.

She quickly shook her head no before sitting up. "Tyler, it's just food poisoning. I'm almost twenty years old, I'll be good. Can you do me a favor before you leave though?" She asked.

"What's up?" I asked, willing to do anything for her.

She lightly blushed before asking, "Can you get me my Seguin jersey from the closet? I still have to cheer you on even if I can't leave this bed."

I felt her eyes on me as I walked over to the closet and grabbed the jersey I gave her when we first met. "I'm not superstitious, and it was mainly because I was trying to impress you but I scored a hat trick the night you wore this, so think you can give me some luck with tonight?"

She smiled as she slipped out of the shirt she wore to bed last night and put on the jersey she had taken from my hand. "Sit," she commanded, moving over and patting the bed beside her. "Now listen," she started before I started laughing.

"What am I a dog?" I asked, before she joined in laughing. "Marshall, Cash, come here boys," I whistled. I heard the two of them both tear up the stairs before running full speed before jumping on our bed.

Alex gives me a puzzled look. "Um hey Tyler? I know I'm sick and all, but there's Marshall and a puppy up here? Care to explain?"

I smiled at her before sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck. "I might've adopted a puppy while I was out getting crackers?"

Alex sent me a look of pure annoyance as she said, "Goodbye Seguin. Forget my pep talk. You're gonna be late and then you just won't play." She rolled on to her side as she shook her head, turning on an episode of Grey's Anatomy she had seen a hundred times.

"I love you," I said, laying across the bed and on top of her to kiss her goodbye.

She smiled against my lips. "I love you too hot shot."

I made my way to my jeep to drive to the rink for tonight's game. After opening the door I was greeted with the smell of Alex's perfume, which brought an immediate smile to my face. Driving around without her in the passenger seat singing every song on the radio felt wrong but for one night I'd have to deal with it. After a few minutes of driving, I pulled into my space at the American Airlines Center and made my way through the maze and into the locker room, being almost one of the last ones to arrive. I quickly began to undress to change into my equipment for the game.

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