Chapter 10- More Than My Everything

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Tyler's Point Of View

I walked into the living room and stood in the doorway, too furious to even speak to my family. I ran my fingers through my hair, trying to come up with a place to start.

"Everything alright Tyler?" My mom asked politely, a smug smile on her face.

"Actually, no. Considering you guys just ran off the only girl I've ever loved, no everything isn't alright. How could you?"

"How could I? How about how could you?" My mom stood up and faced me. "First of all you bring a whore home and introduce her to us as your girlfriend without even telling us you have a girlfriend, then you start drinking, and then you whip a spoon at your sister's head. What's going on Tyler?"

My vision turned red as I stared at her. "What's going on is I love Alex and you all were some of the bitchiest people I've ever met."

"Watch your language Tyler. I am your mother." She scolded.

I continued my rant, ignoring what she said, "First of all, stop calling my girlfriend a whore. She is as far from a whore. She's a sophomore in college at UTD and has a journalism major, she's pretty freaking smart. I didn't bring Alex home, this is her home. You people showed up at our home and interrupted the plans I had for us this week. My plan was to take her on a different date every night this week, and not your typical dates either. I had plans to take her camping and plans to play laser tag and even tonight the guys were coming over and Alex was going to cook and then make us watch all her stupid romance movies and then call us all heartless when we started laughing at her when she teared up. I had plans which you all ruined! Don't get me wrong I love you guys but I'm beyond pissed at you all. I started drinking again because you all showed up. It was one beer mom. One. Oh, and I threw a spoon at Cassidy because she was being unnecessarily rude. Cassidy, those shoes you called trampy? They're the same ones you were all over a few weeks ago. We went out and bought you a pair too when Alex bought her's. I was going to mail them up to you because I'm a great brother and suggest you all come visit because I wanted you to meet the most amazing girl I've ever had the pleasure of meeting, let alone dating. But then you all showed up here unexpected and now I think I'll go return those shoes and with the thousand dollars I get back spend on an apology present for Alex. You women clearly don't believe me when I say I love her but trust me I've loved this girl since the second she told me off when we first met." They all stared at me speechless. "What? Did I not make myself clear?"

"You really do love her Tyler," Candace smiled. "My big brother is finally in love with someone. That's definitely unexpected."

"I know. It's crazy but she makes me happier than ever. " I felt someone's hands wrap around my waist. I turned, expecting to see Alex out of habit. Surprisingly, it was Cassidy.

"You bought me shoes?" She said hopefully, giving me the same look she always had when she wanted something, knowing she had me wrapped around her finger.

"Yes I did. But why should I give them to you? You told my girlfriend that I didn't even like her." I questioned. "You shouldn't act like that if you want a thousand dollar pair of shoes."

"You threw a spoon at my head? I think that's all the punishment I deserved."

I shook my head down at her and gave in. "My room, my side of the closet. If you see more than one Dolce and Gabbana shoe box you're on Alex's side of the closet." Cassidy let go of me and ran down the hall to my room, where I heard her squeal with excitement when she found the box.

"Tyler, I don't know about Alex yet. I know you say you love her and everything but she is a girl. Girls are a lot of work. You two live together. Between her and hockey, I don't want you to get so stressed out that you start drinking your worries away and fall back into what happened in Boston again. Trust me when I say this please. I'm happy for you, but I don't love her yet. " Jackie shook her head. "Use your instincts."

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