Chapter 12- XOXO, Gossip Girl

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Alexandra's Point of View

"I am so excited for this weather this weekend," I said to Rose as we walked out of our public speaking seminar and into the unseasonably warm Dallas weather, the warm sunshine hitting my face. The weekend was supposed to be closer to midsummer weather rather than mid April.

"Do you know if there's a lake nearby we could go spend tomorrow at?" Rose questioned as we walked back to our dorm. "I don't want to go to some lame public pool for the day with a thousand other people."

Before I could answer her question my phone rang, playing the same ringtone Tyler had set for himself all those weeks back. "I'll ask him if he knows of one."

"Alex. Where the hell are you?" He almost yelled into the phone.

"Walking to my dorm. Don't start being the overprotective boyfriend that has to know my every move because I swear to god Tyler I will loose it on you," I yelled back. I had had a boyfriend like that before and I couldn't take Tyler being one like that too.

"Why are you yelling at me?" He yelled back at me.

"Why are you being like this?" I countered.

"I need to talk to you in person. I'm waiting outside of your dorm," was all he said before he hung up the phone.

I stood there staring at the call ended screen with my mouth opened, but nothing came out. Rose immediately pulled me into a hug as I tried to hold back the tears that threatened to escape. "He's about to break up with me. I know it. This is where it ends. I need to talk to you. That's how it always ends."

"No no no, I'm sure everything's gonna be okay," Rose cooed, trying to comfort me. "It doesn't seem like Tyler to dump a girl before he sleeps with them." She laughed, trying to stop me from overreacting, which only caused me to finally cry. "When did you sleep with him?"

"Boston. After Brad's wedding," I managed to choke out. "It's over. Let's go listen to the normal it's not you it's me speech." I managed to say after I pulled myself together. Rose linked her arm through mine as we slowly made our way back to the dorm. As we approached, I felt my stomach twist into a million knots while I watched him pace back and forth outside.

"Tyler, just say it. I know you're about to break up with me," I said once we were close enough for him to hear me. I braced myself for his agreement, knowing it would destroy me once he spoke.

Tyler stopped his pacing and looked at me. "You want to break up?"

"Of course not! Gosh Tyler. You're the one thing in my life that actually makes it half way decent. Sure it looks like I've got it all together, but trust me. I don't." I stopped thinking as I let the next words fly from my mouth. "God this feels just like being back home in Boston! Everything seems freaking perfect but then you'll hit me or Rose will try to commit suicide or someone will die and I'll have to move to a different state to try to outrun my past again!" The tears I thought I had gotten under control flooded my eyes again. "I can't keep doing this." Tyler and Rose stared at me in shock as my walls came crumbling down before their eyes.

"Oh my gosh Alex," Rose cried as she ran and hugged me tighter than ever. "It's going to be okay." She repeated over and over until I had cried all of my tears out and she finally let go of me to have Tyler's arms replace hers. Tyler grabbed one of my hands and uncurled one of my fists to place a cold, small object in it. He curled my hand back up around it and kissed my forehead.

"I promise you Alexandra Faith Dawson, what's in your hand is the last thing I would give you if I wanted to break up with you." Tyler ran his hand down the side of my face and cupped my chin, gently raising it so I was looking him in the eye. "I love you. You know that."

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