Rosé- Protect

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You close the door to your apartment and make your way to the staircase, instead of using the elevator, knowing that Rose will be here any minute.

Like usual, you two are meeting in the underground parking garage as no media can get in there.

Holding the gift you brought for her firmly in your arms, you go down taking two steps at a time.

Despite living in the 15th floor, you don't find taking the stairs tiresome. Meeting your girl after 2 whole months was too exciting for you to even give the staircase a second thought. Plus it was a great workout.

Reaching the bottom, you open the large door that leads to the garage. Planning on surprising her, you put the gift you brought for her behind a large pillar and wait.

After two minutes, you see a white BMW coming in through the entrance. Knowing that it was Rose made your heart skip a beat or two. You don't even know what to feel. The love you felt for her was overwhelming and uncontrollable.

For the past two months, when she was touring, you both texted each other continuously and facetimed any chance you got. But those things didn't compare to the feeling of having her in your arms.

You both are always constantly touching each other, be it a hug or the touch of your hand, you just couldn't get enough. Which made this tour even harder.

The BMW parked in a spot and the door opened to reveal Rose in a black dress with white sneakers. She looked breathtaking. You ran to her.

Rose couldn't control her excitement. She almost sped past the speed limit twice to get here. She was so happy to be meeting her girlfriend after such a long time. 2 months felt like a lifetime. She loved y/n so much it wasn't even funny. These past 2 months, she felt like crying everytime she went to bed because y/n was not with her.

Parking her car, she got out as fast as she could without tripping. She was almost hyperventilating. She closed the door and turned around to find y/n running towards her.

You reached Rose and immediately pulled her in for a tight hug, picking her up and spinning her around, making her laugh.

"I missed you so much. So, so, much." You put her down and gave her a long kiss. Rose wrapped her warms arms around your neck to pull you closer. Ending the kiss, you look at her eyes and smile.

"I missed you too." Rosie's eyes got teary as she caressed your cheek.

You pull her in for another hug, putting you face in her neck and inhaling the scent that you are so obsessed with.

Remembering the gift you got her, you pull away, making her grab on to you with a frown on her face. "Where are you going?" She says with a pout.

"I got you something. Let me get it for you." You try to pull away, only for her to grab you again. Knoeing that she didn't want to let go, you took her hand and led her to the spot where you put her gift.

"Ta-da", you say lifting the heavy case up.

"Oh my god! Is that a guitar?" Rose covered her mouth with her hands as she looked at the gift case with wide eyes.

Nodding your head you led her to her car and open the back, putting the case down and opening it to show her the lighting blue electric guitar you got her.

"Y/n, this is so pretty." Rose touched the guitar with shaky hands.

"Not as pretty as you." Giving her a flirty smile, you close the case.

" Let's go for a walk. Want to spend some time with my baby before she has to go back to continue her tour." You give her a kiss on the head and help her up the seat before taking her keys and getting on the drivers side.

Driving toward the han, you held on to her hand as she kept giving yours a few kisses here and there.

Reaching the spot where you always park whenever you both come here, you help her out.

Holding her hand you guys start you slow walk as you ask her a few questions about the tour.

"How are the girls? They must have missed me so much. I can almost feel them calling my name. 'Y/n, lets go and have some fun. Y/n wanna watch a movie?'", You said, copying the way Lisa talks to you, making Rose laugh hard.

"Yeah, they miss you so much. I think they like you more than they like me. They mostly only ever come to meet me whenever you are around. I am sure that you are Lisa's new best friend." Rose pokes your side, making you giggle.

"And wh-". A loud bark interupts your conversation, making you look up to see a large dog running towards you two.

You turn your head around to see if the owner is nearby, only to see him running quite a distance behind, shouting for the dog to stop.

Your instinct to protect Rose made you pick her from your side and put her behind you.

'You ain't touching her boy', you think just as the dog reaches you.

You spread your arms behind you to make sure that Rosie doesn't accidently come in the harms way. Every time the dog moves, you move, so that you are always between him and the dog.

"Shoo. Stand down doggo. You don't wanna do this. We are not tasty squirrels. Go away. GO AWAY." You feel Rosie grip you shirt tightly and tug you towards her.

You feel her whimper, making your anger boil at the owner for letting go of such a viscious dog who isn't even trained for public areas.

"Rosie. Baby? Please climb up that seat when I move. Okay?" You say pointing at the seat with your head, never taking your eyes off the dog, who was now stepping closer to you, its eyes aimed at your left calf.

Your legs felt like they were made of chewing gum as you looked at the large teeth of the dog.

You have been bitten by a dog before. And to say that it wasn't a good experience would be puttiing it mildly.

Just as Rosie climbed the seat, the dog gave a bark and ran towards you. You closed your eyes, bracing for the pain to come.

"I am so sorry. He just ran off so suddenly that I couldn't even catch him." You open your eyes to see the owner put a leash around the dog, making you almost cry in relief. The owner kept bowing.

"Please don't let it happen again. Look at his size! What if he bit a kid or an old person? Train him before taking him to public areas." You look at the guy with stern eyes, but your eyes soften as you feel Rosie's grip tighten on your shirt.

"So sorry." The guys bows again before leaving.

Sighing you turn around to see Rose with tears streaming down her face.

"Oh baby. Come here." You wrap your arms around her to feel that she was shaking. You know how afraid she is of large dogs. That's why she loves the fact that Hank is so tiny. She was once almost bitten by her neighbor's Rottweiler as a kid. She was still traumatised by that experience.

"Honey you are shaking. It's okay. Nothing is going to happen to you. I am always here to protect you, okay?" You rub her back and feel her nod her head.

Her shaking stopped after a little while. Rubbing her tears away you give her a kiss and take her hand.

"Let's go. We still have a few hours before you have to go. Don't want this to ruin the whole date now do we?" You bump her side, hoping to make her smile.

"Yep. Let's go and eat something. I don't think I can walk too much today. That was horrible." She smiled up at you.

"You sure you aren't using that excuse just to eat?" You tease, making her laugh.

"You know me so well." You both giggle and make your way towards her parked car.

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