Rosé- Distraction? (part 1)

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You perk up when you hear the familiar sound of keys being inserted in the door lock. Nearly falling while running towards the door you call for Hank.

"Come on Hankie. Mom is here. You missed her too didn't you boy?"

With Hank running ahead of you you reach the living room just as the front door opens, revealing your beautiful girlfriend, Rosie.

Rosé opens the door to feel Hank jumping around her feet. She looks at the cute companion with love. "Oh Hank I missed you so much. Who is the cutest boy? Yes you are. Yes, you are."

Seeing that Hank still wiggles his tail at her baby voice always brings joy to her heart. But the thing she missed the most this past 3 months of tour wasn't Hank, but her girlfriend of 3 years, Y/N.

Putting Hank down on the ground she looked up at the love of her life. "Hey baby."

Y/N felt like she was about to cry as she slammed into Roseand picked her up in a tight hug.

"Hi, hon." Rose wrapped her arms around Y/N's neck, pulling her even closer, not wanting to ever let go.

Rose heard a sob that nearly broke her heart. "Baby don't cry." She rubbed Y/N's back while she whispered sweet nothing in her ear.

"I am not crying. Its an allergic reaction to your son." Pulling back from Rose's neck, you looked at Rose feeling like you were seeing her for the first time.

Rose noticed right away that Y/N had lost weight. "Hey, you lost some weight. You okay? Were you sick? Y/N Y/L! Were you sick and didn't tell me?"

Pulling away from the hug, Rose took Y/N's face in her palms and noticed the dark circles.

"Just, missed you too much. Couldn't stay at the apartment without you so, I went cycling sometimes. And you know how bad a cook I am baby." you said pulling Rose back into your arms, letting out a white lie.

You couldn't sleep at all without Rose by your side. You have missed Rose so much that you sometimes cycled in the Han till the sun rose because sleep wouldn't come no matter how tired you were.

That mixed with the pressure from being still in university made you loose almost 10kg of weight. You had hoped that Rose wouldn't notice, but who were you kidding. You looked different.

"Well I am here now. So you are going to eat nice food to bring back the cute fluffy cheeks I like so much." Smiling, Rose closed the front door and pulled Y/N by her hand.

"I thought your chipmunk cheeks were enough fluffiness for the both of us." Rose punched your arm and pulled you inside, while your were snickering.

Rose looked at group schedule for the year with dread filling her tummy again. Another tour. This one for 4 months.

She couldn't even imagine how Y/N would react. Last time she was away Y/N lost a lot of weight and wasn't sleeping that after a few days of Rose's return they had to visit the hospital because Y/N inevitably got sick.

Y/N had been really clingy the first month, not that Rose didn't love loved that, because she cherished every sneaky touch or kiss that they shared cause they missed each other so much. But, she knew that if she went on the tour again, it would break Y/N's heart.

Sometimes Rose hated her career because of that. If she could, she would take Y/N with her everywhere she went, but she knows that it isn't possible.

"You know what you have to do right, Ro?" Jennie rubbed Rose's shoulder trying to comfort the young girl. Jennie had faced the consequences of her career on her own relationship before, so she knew what the younger girl was going through right now. "Its for the best."

"I know unnie." Rose's voice almost broke just thinking about what she was going to do.

After reaching home, Rose lingered in the hallway in front of her and Y/N's apartment. Taking a deep breath, she unlocked the door. Closing the door, she heard Hank's tiny footsteps.

"Hey, Hankie." Picking the little dog up, Rose hugged him for comfort.

"Rosie, is that you?" She heard Y/N call from the bedroom. Putting Hank down, she padded towards the bedroom to see the door to their walk in closet to be open.

Rose entered the closet, just as Y/N finished dressing. "Hey baby. What's up? Why do you look like you just saw a ghost? OMG, did you really see one, cause I swear to god the other night while I sneaked into the kitchen for my midnighth snack, I heard footsteps and-"

"We need to talk." Rose interrupted Y/N's ranting. Rosé always loved the way Y/N talked. She always jumped front one topic to a completely different topic in just a matter of seconds and she was naturally funny and spontaneous, which made Rose love her even more.

"Is it about the smell in the bedroom? I swear it wasn't me. It was Hank who farted. He sure needs to be trained." You looked at Rose with a serious face, expecting her to laugh. But the moment you saw Rose's expression, you knew that something was extremely wrong.

"Hey what happened?" Walking to Rose, you made her sit on a stool and put your hand on Rose's forehead to check her temperature. "You are not sick. Is it the time of the month?"

"Y/N-" Rose sighs. "I think we should take a break." It nearly made Rose bawl when she saw the light slightly dim in Y/N's ever happy eyes.

"Wh- What do you mean take a break? You want to go on a vacation?" Despite the question you asked you knew what was coming next. There are only so many types of break a couple can take.

"No. I mean let's take a break from this relationship. My job is my priority and you just feel like a distraction right now." Rose watched with a torn heart as Y/N's eyes started tearing up.

She had to hurt Y/N. She just had to. Otherwise, Y/N won't give up on her. She was too stubborn and headstrong and would do anything to get Rose back and Rose wouldn't be able to resist her for long.

Therefore, she had to shatter her heart to protect her from future heartbreaks that would come with Rose's growing career. She had to let her go.

"Distraction?" You felt you heart tear piece by piece as you looked into Rose's cold eyes. You have never seen that expression on her face before. You couldn't wrap your head around what was happening. Everything was okay just a few hours ago. Why was this happening?

"I am a distraction?" Covering your mouth to stop yourself from letting out a sob, you looked away from the cold eyes of her girlfriend. You couldn't stand that look on her face.

You wondered if you were ever overbearing or controlling or a nuisance to Rose. You tried to remember if you ever tried to stop her from doing what she wanted to do. You knew that you always supported her no matter what. She always came first for you.

"Yes. You are a distraction. It's for the best. You are in the last year of you masters and I am at the peak of my career. This relationship is just getting in the way." Rose got up from her seat and walked to the door. If she stood there any longer, she would fall to her knees and apologize to Y/N for making her go through this.

"Rosie please don't do this. I love you. Please, baby. Plea-" Y/N looked at Rose with tears streaming down her face.

"I will stay at the dorm today. Will send someone next week to get all my stuff so that I can move out. Goodbye, Y/N."

You didn't even get a chance to reply as you watched the spot where Rose was just a second ago being all empty, just like your heart.

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