Jisoo- Surrounded by pabos

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You watched with dread as you saw your girlfriend kiss her co-star, Haein.

You were in the set of snowdrop, where Jisoo, your girlfriend was the lead actress. Everyone around here knew who you were so they didn't mind you hanging around. Infact, you have made quite a few friends in the set. Sometimes Jisoo joked that you had more friends in the set than she did.

"Cut", the director shouted making everyone rush towards the actors with hair brushes and makeup kits.

You sighed with relief as you watched Jisoo and Haein move away from each other. You silently prayed that they didn't have to kiss again and the shot they took was perfect for the show.

But all your hope flew out the window when you heard the director say that they needed to do the scene again.

"I think I am dying Lisa-ya. Help me. Call 119. My heart hurts and I think one of my eyes is bleeding." You grab Lisa's shoulder and shake her.

She came to the set with you today knowing that Jisoo had her kissing scene. She must have taken thousands of pictures of them kissing just so she could tease both, Jisoo and you, later.

"Oh come on, Y/N. You will live. You do know that being an actress, she is bound to kiss a mouth or hundred in her career." Lisa turned to you and gave you a teasing smirk.

"A hundred?" You widened your eyes as you imagined Jisoo's soft supple lips touching so many lips that weren't yours. "I don't think I can handle it. Punch me in the eyes so that I go blind. But only temporarily, so don't punch too hard." Lisa laughed while holding her tummy.

"Dude you should see your face. You look like a puppy who didn't get a treat while rest of its siblings did. Aww, is our Y/N jelly?" She pinched your cheeks and turned back towards the screen with her camera facing the scene that showed the couple kissing again.

You closed your eyes and leaned your head back in your chair with a pout.

After 30 minutes and 7 kisses shared between Jisoo and Haein, the shooting was done. You and Lisa walked towards Jisoo's bus where her hair and makeup team usually do their work. Jisoo was checking out the scene with the director and others and would be there in a few minutes.

"Cheer up dude. You don't want to make Jisoo unnie upset now do you?" Lisa patted your hair and laid down on the largest seat of the bus. You walked up to the empty vanity chair and sat on it, playing with one of the many brushed on the table.

The door opened and there she was, the love of you life.

"Hey unnie. You did great out there. It was awesome. Can I come again tomorrow?" Lisa jumped out her seat and hugged Jisoo, pulling her further inside the bus.

"Yeah. Sure you can Lisa. And thank you." Jisoo said giving Lisa one of her side smirks.

"How was the kiss?" Lisa asked making kissy faces at Jisoo, who pushed her face away from her.

Lisa laughed and walked back to her position while Jisoo walked up to you. You looked up at her from your seat.

Jisoo saw you unreadable expression and felt dread slowly creeping in. Did the kiss make you feel uncomfortable? She knows that you said that you would be okay and that you understood that it's a part of her job but she couldn't deny that if the roles were reversed and it was you who kissed someone for a job, it would make her feel go crazy on the inside.

"Hey baby" Jisoo said as she sat on Y/N's legs.

Jisoo watched as her girlfriend's bottom lip popped out and her eyes watered.

"Sooyahhhh." Her eyes widened when she saw eyes streaming out of Y/N's eyes.

"You were so great Sooya. But I hated it. Your lips are mine! I hate Haein. I will make sure to dislike everyone of his posts. But you did so good. Its okay. I will b- be fineee." Jisoo couldn't breathe with the way Y/N was hugging her so tight. She patted her head to calm the younger girl to no avail.

"Don't cr-" Before Jisoo could complete speaking, she heard Lisa laughing hard. Snapping her head towards the maknae she sent death glares towards her but the pabo was already on the floor laughing her ass off.

"Yah Lalisa. Would you shut up?" Jisoo continued patting your hair as you hiccuped, with your head pressed to her neck.

"Oh my god. Did you see her face? The others have to see this. They have to." Lisa took out her phone and tried recording your crying face.

Jisoo tried to stand up and take Lisa's phone but she couldn't as Y/N grabbed her waist tighter and started crying even louder than before.

Sighing Jisoo looked up at the ceiling, surrounded by the sound of loud laughter and crying. "Why do I have to love these two idiots?"

She glared at Lisa and patted your head.

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