Jennie- Consequences

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Taking a deep breath, you turned off the motocycle. Taking off the helmet and the jacket you put them in the safe bag attached to the side of your ride.

Looked up at the huge white house beyond the wall in the front, you couldn't control your awe.

"You can do it Y/N. She is just a normal human and you are her manager, so this should be easy.
Yes, you can do this." Giving yourself a peptalk, you walked up to the gate and pressed the call button with all the courage you could muster.

"Kim Residence. State you name and reason for coming here please." A male voice spoke through the speaker. Its most probably a security guard. You could see the a small structure attached to the wall near the gate and assumed it to be the guard house.

"Ugh. I am Y/N Y/L. I am Miss Kim's manager."

Awkwardly staring at the speaker for a reply for what seemed like hours, but was probably 15 seconds, you finally heard the male voice reply. "You can come in Miss. Y/L."

The gate opened immediately to reveal a small road leading up to the main building. To say that it was beautiful would be an understatement. You have seen a lot of beautiful houses in your short career, but Jennie kim's parents's house took the cake by a long shot.

Looking around with your mouth almost hanging open, you walked up to the front door, where an old lady was waiting.

"Miss Kim will come down soon. Why don't you sit in the living room for a while ma'am?" The old lady led her to the living room.

"Please, call me Y/N. It feels awkward to be called a ma'am." Smiling at the lady, you rubbed your sweaty palms in your jeans and sat on a huge white sofa.

Having met Jennie's mother before, you knew that this lady must be a worker here.

"Would like to have a drink? Might I suggest a glass of orange juice? It was freshly squeezed just a few minutes ago." Nodding your head at that you watched as the lady smiled and walked away.

Being all alone in someone else's living room, made you feel kinda awkward. You didn't know what to do. Staring around the room, she tried to stop her heart from beating so damn fast.

It wasn't the luxurious house that made you anxious. It was the fact that you had to interact with Jennie Kim, all alone, that made you sweat.

You have been attracted to Jennie since the moment you saw her.
Jennie's cat like eyes pulled you in so hard that you couldn't stop starting at her even when someone else was trying to get your attention.

Whenever Jennie enters a room, it like everything and everyone else vanishes. All you can hear is Jennie's elegant sweet voice. All you can see is her face, her body, her always perfectly combed hair. Damn, you even notice the nail colour of her toes. All she you smell is what you have started calling, 'The Jennie smell', a mixture of chanel perfume and what is completely Jennie.

You knew that you shouldn't look at her like that. You knew that what you wanted was never going to happen. Jennie was basically her boss and a celebrity boss at that. The possibility of you winning an Olympic gold medal was much higher that Jennie Kim looking at you with love.

Sighing, you laid her head at the back of the sofa and stared at the ceiling while playing with you thumbs, a habit of yours when you don't know what to do with yourself.

Jennie came out of her room and was walking down the stairs when she noticed a familiar head laid on the back of the sofa. Y/N? Shit. Shit. Shit.

Taking a step back, ready to head back to her room, she stopped when she saw Y/N pout and sigh.

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