Jennie- The boss

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What are you so happy about Mr. Yoo? You think you did good?" You glared at COO of your company then looked around the whole room filled with overpaid idiots.

"You all think you did good?" Giving out a mocking chuckle you shook your head lightly.

"Last year we made a profit of more than 400% and now we are at what? 120%? You guys are insulting me if you think that i pay you for doing shit instead of your jobs." Standing up, you throw your pen across the table, making all the officials of your company flinch with fear.

"All you people care about is who is driving a better car or how many golf matches you can fit in your idiotic existence. This ends today. I am going to evaluate every department in this whole building and anyone lacking is going to get fired within 24 hours. So pack your belongings everyone because i dont care about how many years you worked under my father or me."

Pushing your chair back, you get your jacket and walk out with your personal assistant in tow.

Getting in the elevator, you watch as Chaeyoung, your PA hits the button for your floor. Only yours and her desk is at this floor. You really hate noises whenever you are working so had your office moved to a whole other floor. Unlike your father from whom you inherited this company, you are not a people person.

"Miss Park can you get the company lawyer to come to my office in 2 hours. We are gonna have a long chat about me not getting sued for firing half of the population from my company." You looked at Park Chaeyoung to see her already taking out her phone just as the elevator door opened to your floor.

"Right away Miss Y/L/N." With that she walked to her desk.

Sighing as the tiredness of the day was creeping into your bones you moved towards your office.

Sitting at the swivel chair you look outside the wide windows down at the crowds of Seoul looking like tiny ants from this height.

You have always had this drive in you to do better and it really makes you angry when those working under you don't show the same enthusiasm. It makes you want to pull out your hair with frustration when something doesn't go your way.

Rotating your chair you face your desk. Like an obsession your eyes immediately move to the picture of your fiancé, Jennie Kim.

She is the only person you are soft for. Even as a kid, you were always hard headed and serious but the moment you met Jennie, it was like a wall of marshmallow hit you in the face. Hard.


You knew you were late the moment you got out of your car and walked through the red csrpet towards the gala.

Cameras were clicking away, almost making you blind but you didn't even pause to look their way.

With your PA, Park Chaeyoung following your long footsteps, you tossed your invitation card at the security check and walked up yhe step to the main ballroom where the even was taking place.

"Miss Y/L/N, please let me take your coat." You looked at Chaeyoung to see one of her hands outstretched and the other already holding her own coat.

Sighing you slowly opened your coat and put it on her hand. She was the only person you respected in the whole comapany and couldn't help but talk nicely to her.

"Thank you Miss Park. Join me inside once you put those aside. We need to mingle with all those rich pricks." Nodding your head you walk towards the door to the ballroom.

Despite being a good human, your father nearly destroyed the whole company by investing in unfortunate deals. Since you inherited it from him, the company has grown only in one direction, which is up.

Blackpink imagines (gxg)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon