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My Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Shueisha. Published and licensed by Shonen Jump, Viz Media, and Funimation. PLEASE support the official release of this amazing story!!!


"What the hell do you mean by that, Master!?"
Shigaraki half shouts as his temper boils over.

Izumi notices and tries to turn and look, but the room itself is too dark for her to see him.

"Does that displease you, Tomura?"
All for One asks.

"You're damn right it does! Look at her! She's too much of a goody two shoes to join us..not only that, she reminds me so much of that fool All Might that I'm itching to kill her!!" He rages.

Ochako opened her mouth to say something, but thankfully Izumi spoke first.

"Don't w-worry. I'll never join you... I rather die than be a part of you v-villains!"

"Is that so?" All for One asks amused. "Perhaps you should be mindful of your choice of words."

Suddenly the chair erupts in electricity, shocking her severely.

Izumi screams from the pain.

Ochako couldn't bare it and launched herself to save her..

Too little, too late.

Shigaraki knocks her down hard and places most of his fingers around the back of her neck, covering her mouth with his other hand. Careful not to kill her.
"Move again and you won't live to see her."

Electricity continues to run through Izumi's body as her screams grow weaker.

Ochako cries at her powerlessness, but can't manage to get a single word out. It felt as though she had a knot in her throat.

Eventually, the shocking stops and Izumi goes limp for a few moments before twitching slightly.

"My my.. You're quite resilient to live through that." All for One comments.

"I....I won't.." Izumi struggles to say.

"Don't worry my dear. There are better and more efficient ways to turn you to our side. I'll take my time breaking you slowly." He chuckles.

"Ne-Never.." she whispers weakly.

"Now now.." he says coyly as a second shock runs through her body, causing her to scream again.

Ochako once again tries to help, but Shigaraki tightens his grip, before knocking her unconscious.

The torture continues for some time.

Ochako is removed from the room and placed in a secure cell within the compound.

All for One is relentless. Shock after shock after shock.

Each one taking away a small piece of the girl's remaining humanity.

"Come on now Izumi, surely you have reconsidered?" He taunts.

The barely conscious girl shakes her head weakly yet defiantly.

He sighs.
"As you wish. If simple shock therapy won't cut it. I'll do this myself."
He says ominously before appearing in front of her.

She's speechless. Her heart plummets as All for One casually places his hand over her face.


A violent bolt of red lightning streams through her fragile body.

The pain is unlike anything she's felt in her life.

This was hell.

And for the first time during the whole ordeal..she felt she didn't know how much longer she'd be able to hold on.

*Some hours later*

"I need to get out of here! Please! Toga! Dabi! Anyone!!! Please!!!! I'll do anything!"
Ochako shouts in desperation.

She pushes and pulls on the door to her cell.
She's tried countless times to get out to no avail.

"It's ok Chako. I'm sure they won't hurt her too bad." Toga giggles.

"Please Toga! We're fr-friends right??! Let me out. I need to help Izumi.." Ochako desperately pleads.

"Hmmmmmmmm I don't think so Chako. Shigi will be mad if I let you go without him knowing."

"He doesn't need to know it was you! Just unlock the door and leave. I'll do the rest! Please!"

"Hmm I'll think about it." She teases.

"Aaaahrrrrg!!!" Ochako roars angrily, punching the door again and again.

"Hahahahaha!!! You're so cute when you're angry Chako!!" Toga laughs teasingly.


"What the?" Toga turns around only to be knocked out by a green flash of lightning.

Izumi stands ready to take on the world. "Chako, I came to..s-save you."

Ochako is in disbelief.
"Izumi! How..Nevermind! Just get me out of here!"

Izumi rips the door off its hinges and picks up Chako, making the latter blush.

They speed out of there as if the devil himself is at their heels.

They make it to relative safety.

"I can't believe we made it out of there." Ochako says trying to catch her breath.

"Me either." Izumi says simply.

Ochako looks at her worried.
"Deku..are you ok? I can't imagine what you went through."

"I'm fine, just tired.." Izumi says as she holds her head lightly.

Ochako sighs in relief and pulls her into a hug.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't help ended up saving me again." She says a bit guiltily.

"Don't worry Chako..I'll always come save you."
Izumi says, hugging her tighter..a small glint of red lightning sparking, turning her eye red momentarily before returning to her natural green.


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