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My Hero Academia is owned by Kohei Horikoshi and Shueisha. Published and licensed by Shonen Jump, Viz Media, and Funimation. PLEASE support the official release of this amazing story!!!



It's been a day and my body has grown significantly stronger. I can feel the energy stockpiling inside me. Izumi hasn't bothered me much, but I doubt it'll keep going this smoothly. No point in dreading it.. nothing lasts forever anyway.

I heard a knock at the door. Perfect.....she's here again. That annoying girl keeps pestering me every chance she gets. The worst part of it is, that Izumi somehow reacts to her presence....that worries me.

She walked in with that stupid smile on her face. God I hated her.. but the idiot refuses to give up and leave me be. How stubborn can you be?

"Good morning, Izumi. How are you feeling today?"

"Annoyed, now that you're here."

She giggled and joked, "Oh really? That's an improvement. Usually you say dreadful."

I groaned, "Will you ever leave me alone?"

"Nope. Not until the day I die."

That comment made me smirk internally.
"Until you die? So I just have to kill you, right?"

She shrugged it off as a joke but played along, "Sure. All you have to do is kill me."

"Shouldn't be too much longer then." I said coyly.

"Yea. Right. Just let me change your sheets without a fuss today. It's starting to smell." Ochako said while taking out a fresh set of linens.

"I haven't showered in forever, what do you expect?" I fired back.

"I'll call the nurse then. She can shower you."

"No. I want to do it by myself. Just help me up." I said annoyed again.

"Fine. Fine. Just tone down the attitude." She replied while helping me off the bed.

We walked towards the bathroom and I struggled to stand on my own.

"Damn it.." I cursed.

"Need help?" Ochako offered, a deep blush spreading on her face.

I smirked knowingly.
"Sure, can you start the bath, help me undress and put me in it?"

She nodded and actually started helping me. What a pervert.

I needed the help though. So just this once, I'd tolerate her.

When she took my gown off....she didn't blush. Instead all I saw was the look of sorrow and pain. Why?

I looked in the mirror, and I felt like screaming. It wasn't the first time I'd seen it. I could see my reflection a bit when Izumi was being rushed into surgery. But seeing it like pained me. My once flawless body, had been shredded. The right side of my face was badly burned, several small cuts littered the front and right side of my upper body. The largest of which ran across my chest diagonally. My legs....why couldn't at least my legs be spared? My right thigh was badly burned as well. Another large gash cut across my left knee too. Below my knees I could see several small cuts and burns as well. My perfect skin was now tainted. Wrinkled and wasted.

A single tear escaped my left eye.
"Now I really look like a monster." I said as I covered the right side of my face.

"No, you don't." I heard her say before she hugged me.

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