Chapter 7

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After Jake finally got off of me and left my room, I dragged my feet into the bathroom, turning the shower onto it's highest setting I stepped in.
After a restless night it is just what I need. The spray of the water hits the top of my head running it's way down every inch of my body. Unwinding every muscle as it goes. Pulling my hands up I rub the water that's falling onto my face and lean back against the shower wall.

With my mind and body now more relaxed, I step out and go back into my bedroom and grab some clothes from my walk in closet. Choosing a simple pair of black skinny jeans and a red long sleeved top. Sitting on the edge of the bed I slip on my little black pumps. In no time I'm ready because I know it won't be long before Meg and Jess will be banging on my door to wake me up.

As if they could both read my mind, fists start pounding on my bedroom door.

"Hey get up in there, we want to celebrate your birthday," They both shout.

I have to laugh to myself. These crazy girl's are indeed two of my most favourite people in the whole world.
But that doesn't mean I can't have a tiny bit of fun with them this morning.

Without a word, I swing open the door and come face to face with the most startled expressions of both my best friends.

"Holy shit Eden," They both scream, and I watch with a smirk when both their hands raise to their chests in perfect synchronisation.

"What?" Trying to act innocent. "I only opened the door like you wanted." I was now in a full on smile. "Anyway you're both to late, my idiot twin brother already gave me my early morning birthday wake up call."

I could see they had recovered by now so we headed to the kitchen.
Apparently they had a surprise for me there and I was super intrigued as to what this surprise was.

Stepping foot into the kitchen I couldn't believe my eyes. My best friends had actually made me breakfast.
This is an absolute first. I was so grateful that I pulled them in for a group hug with tears rolling down my face.

"Thank you."

"Stop with that crying, it's your birthday, you can't cry on your birthday it's bad luck." Jess said pointing to a chair. "Sit."

All of my favourite foods were in front of me, we had bacon, eggs, pancakes, pastries and more.
I could literally feel my body gaining weight just looking at it all.

But my goddess it all looked delicious.

"So what do you want to do today?" Meg looked up holding a piece of bacon to her lips before shoving it in her mouth.

I watch Jess scrunch her nose up at the scene which makes me giggle.
"You are such a pig when you eat, you know that?"

"Wolf, Jess. I'm a wolf not a pig, thank you very much," before grabbing yet another piece of bacon from the plate.

I watched them hoping it wasn't going to escalate into a fight of words but was happy when they both laughed hysterically at their poor attempt at an argument.

I really don't know what I would do without these crazy girl's in my life.


Three hours later I was alone and walking through the woods.

The last three hours had been a whirlwind of activity. I had cards and presents given to me by some of the younger pack members. I had hugs and sloppy kisses from the older pack members. I still want to wipe my cheek from the sloppy kiss I got from Gerty, she's like the Grandmother of the pack and no one gets away without a kiss from her.

But I need a breather, and that's why I am now walking through the woods on my own.
We have the most beautiful lake on our land and it is my salvation when I get to overwhelmed.
I keep walking and then through the small clearing in the trees I see it.
The clear water sparkling where the sun hits, like tiny diamonds all over the surface.
The deepest of green grass surrounds the lake, like it's protecting it from an unknown source.
Tree's all around as if keeping this part of the woods a secret from the rest of the world.

I sit down on the soft grass, the sun has been high in the sky for a while so has made the grass warm to touch.

Taking my shoes off, I shimmy down to the waters edge, dipping my feet into the warm water. I lay back down and look towards the bright sky.
I try not to let my mind wander. I'm here to relax. But I can't help it. My mind goes to Nic, since he took off yesterday I haven't seen him.
Not even when everyone was wishing me a happy birthday.

I had asked Jake about him but he couldn't or wouldn't give me any answers.
So that's why I decided I would come to my favourite place.

I'm still laying on the grass when I hear a branch snap.
I jump to my feet within seconds. Maybe it is Nic? He knows I love this place.

As I scan the trees to find where the noise came from but also in my fighting stance just in case it's a rogue, I see a small figure.


"Oh my goddess Eden, you scared me."

"What are you doing here?" I question her due to the fact I have lived here all my life and I only found this place like 7 years ago, and Ana's only been here for what a week or two?

"What do you mean?"

"What I mean is, how did you find this place?"

"Oh I see. I like to investigate places. I haven't been here very long and not really having any friends to hang out with, I just like to...." She pauses. "Um you know...explore because I feel lonely just sitting at home on my own."

Her head hangs low and she looks so sad.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so blunt with you. You just took me by surprise that's all. Not many people know this place exists and you shocked me."

"That's okay. I am sorry I frightened you and disturbed you like that."
Before she turned to walk away, she faced me. "By the way Happy Birthday Eden."

She turned again to walk away this time.

"Hey Ana," I shout. "I didn't get the opportunity to invite you to my birthday party tonight. Sorry it's short notice but you are officially invited. It's at the packhouse at 7pm. I really hope you will be there."

As she turned this time there was the brightest smile on her face. "Thank you Eden, I would love too."

This time when she turned and walked away, she never looked back.

Reality sunk in that Nic wasn't coming. So I put my shoes back on and headed back with a heavy heart.

I didn't feel like going inside just yet. Instead I found myself walking through the gardens. It's so perfect, every flower of every colour grows here.
Running my fingers along the soft petals, I could just stay here and be happy.

I feel something within me though that feels unsettled. I instinctively look up at Jake's bedroom window. I don't even know why, but when I do I see him by the window, his face so full of thoughts. I wonder what he's thinking about?

Just as I think this he turns.

We both just stare at each other. And I know in that silent moment.

Our twin bond is getting stronger.

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