Chapter 50

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"Holy shit!" I shout loudly as my sister jumps back to life right infront of my eyes.

My heart is pounding so hard as I stare up at her that I can hear the beat in my ears.

One minute she was gone and I was left mourning my twin in my arms, wondering how I was ever going to live without her and the next minute she was jumping to her feet as fast as a firework shoots up to the sky.

Scrambling to my own feet just as quickly. My hands shake as I need to make sure she's really here and as crazy as it sounds, I need to make sure she's real and she's not some cruel trick of my imagination.

I reach for her arm as I pull her against me, feeling the realness of her toned arm under my fingers, and give her the biggest hug I can muster.

She's actually real.

I can't believe it.

Thank the goddess.

"Don't you ever do that shit again." I growl at her.

Her small arms wrap around my waist as her head crashes into my chest. We may be twins but somehow she is alot shorter than me and I know I should feel guilty about manhandling her like this, but I don't. Not one little bit as I hug my sister to death.

Okay, that's not the best terminology at the moment. But my goddess I thought I had lost her and I can't put it in to words how happy I am that she's alive.

Eden slowly starts to pull away as her tear soaked face looks up at me. My shirt is wet through with the tears she's shed as her words push through the strong emotions that thicken her throat.

"I'm not sorry for what I done Jake. I would do it again in a heartbeat to save you."

My lips lower planting a soft kiss to the top of her head as my arms engulf her again.
My own throat thick with so much emotion that I can't answer.
She tries to pull away a second time but I'm not having it.

It's like I can't let her go.

Not yet anyway as I still hold my sister tightly.

A noise in the background brings me back to the harsh reality of what's happening around us, as I realise the battle has been ongoing whilst I've been battling one of my worst nightmares.

My eyes flicker over Eden's shoulder, taking in the situation and see Nic and his father still fighting hard to get near Logan.
He seems to have alot more followers than I first thought because everytime Nic and his father kill one rogue, another replaces it within seconds.

We are the strongest pack and we have the strongest Alpha but even I can see with the quantity of rogues going against us, we might just need a miracle to help us win this fight.

I look to my right and watch Spencer tackling a rogue to the ground as another attacks him from behind, trying to bite his back legs.
Spencer is quick though and he moves in time so the rogue only manages to bite air and not flesh.

I swing my gaze over to the left and see Jasper or should I say Dad, which is fucking weird, on the ground surrounded by what I can make out around three or four rogues on top of him. Even though he is putting up a ferocious fight with them.
I have no doubt all of them will be dead soon.
Sure enough the first one gets kicked off of him as the rogues lifeless body hits the dirt.

This time when Eden moves away I let her. Her eyes scan the area and as she spots Nic, her eyes stop moving instantly. Her head doesn't move an inch as she watches him. Her eyes completely fixed on him as he tries to reach Logan again. There is a fire in her eyes that she only has for someone she loves deeply. A fire I've seen aimed at me my entire life, but that fire in her eyes now haunts me because I saw it not long ago when she sacrificed herself for me. Now the look thats always filled me with pride is filling my whole body with dread.

She makes a move to step forward towards Nic, as my hand reaches out and catches her arm to stop her at the same time. I can't help myself and Nic would never forgive me if something happened to her again. To be honest I would never forgive myself either. Not after earlier. So it's a definite no. Not happening.

Everyone is in their own battle so no one has realised that either their mate, Luna or friend is alive and kicking next to me.

That is until Jasper flings the last dead rogue off of himself and looks our way.
As he pushes off the ground, his eyes widen but never leave Eden and it actually makes me uncomfortable to watch. The shock is evident in his features as he continues to stare openly at her.
We haven't had a parent all our lives and this is a new experience for me.

His shock subsides as confusion takes over, when he realises his daughter is alive next to me.
Daughter! Goddess, I never thought I would ever say that but here I am watching the stranger who is our father for his reaction like hawk watching its prey.

He closes the distance between us and as he nears I can blatantly see the shock and relief.
I have no comparison but the look I see on his face is one only a loving parent would have. I've seen Nic's parents look at him enough times in the same way over the years.

As Jasper gets closer I watch as his hands automatically reach out and hold Edens shoulders. His arms are outstretched as he stares at her almost unbelieving she's alive.
I can't say I blame him, I'm still struggling to get my head around what's happened.
I hear his heart racing as he pulls her towards him in an embrace that's gentle and loving, and I realise even more that I will have to try and get used to him in our lives.

I need answers from him first though before he even gets a hint of forgiveness from me.

The woman that was in the cells is standing by us and understanding dawns on me that it was her hand and voice I had felt and heard earlier when my world had shattered.

I sweep my gaze over her and to be honest I wish I hadn't.
I don't know how long she had been in that cell but by looking at her more carefully I would say a very long time.
The clothes she's wearing swamps her frail figure. I can almost see her bones from where I'm standing through the thin fabric. Her hair is all matted and dirty, and in that moment I know deep down she wouldn't have survived much longer as Logan's prisoner.

As if knowing I've been watching her, she turns facing me more squarely with the slightest smile.

A smile that shows so much gratitude, that I wish I had known about her before now, so we could have saved her long before today.

Jasper slowly releases Eden, still watching her like he's afraid she's going to disappear, and it makes my own anger and disappointment against him slightly thaw.

I'm about to pull my sister back to me when she suddenly turns, her soft features turning cold as her eyes narrow, startling all of us. As quick as lightning she twists around to me as her hand reaches out grabbing my hand and pulls on it hard, making my feet stumble forward.

A rogue hurls past me and if Eden hadn't of moved me, he would have slammed straight into me because I never saw him coming.

"What the hell. How did you know?"

The smallest grin graces her lips as she answers, "We have powers Jake." She says as her grin widens. "And they've just been unleashed."

With that my mind opens up and finally I feel my other missing piece. Luca is back and he's pissed.

The Legendary Twins Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant