Chapter 29

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Jasper's words are still ringing loudly in my ears 'In Logan's hands..the bringers of death.' Shit, I can't help the way my head falls back hitting the back of my chair as the swear words leave my mouth.

I hold a hand to my forehead as it starts pounding with a newly formed headache.

What does that even mean....'the bringers of death?'

I can feel Eden trying to stand up, I have no idea where she's trying to go or why, but I need her close to me because she is the only thing keeping me calm enough to not hunt down Logan and kill him right now.

My blood is boiling and all I can hear is Shadow wanting to take control.
I feel like I'm fighting my own personal battle with him and I don't know how long I will be able to hold on.

That's why I need Eden right now. She's like my very own talisman. My lifeline, my saviour and the only person that can help keep me grounded enough to not do anything rash or stupid.

It's bad enough that Logan has taken my best friend but there is no way in hell is he taking my mate from me too.

Over my dead body.

Actually no, over Logan's dead body.

My beautiful mate relaxes back down on to my lap and I wonder if she needs the reassurance of me too, or the fact that I tugged her back to me.
Either way I don't care. She's here and she's safe. That's all that matters to me at the moment.

I look towards Jasper now who seems to be smitten with his daughter. The look he's giving her is how a loving father should look at his child. So gentle and protective.
Any doubt I had about him evaporates in the instance I see that look on his face.
And trusting someone that quickly is against everything I know. It's a weird feeling to be honest because there isn't many people I trust around Eden, especially some stranger that we've just met. Father or not.

I notice Spencer glancing at me, and I realise he's waiting for instructions.
Maybe this is the best time to get Jasper settled in to one of the guest rooms. The sooner he's settled the sooner we can make a plan on how we are going to get Jake back from that asshole.
And with Jasper being the only one who knows where the rogues are situated we are going to need his expertise in this matter.

I glance at Spencer, "Show Jasper to one of the guest rooms. But I want you both back here in thirty minutes."

"Sure thing Alpha."

Spencer stands up gestering to Jasper to do the same. Jasper stands thanking me. "Thank you Alpha Dominic."

"Please call me Dominic, you are the father of my mate after all."

Watching them walk out the door I nod to Cole, "Go with them."
He nods in response and walks out the door as well following them down the hallway.

This time I look towards the rest of my men who are still standing in their places.
Completely unmoved in their stance but always alert of their surroundings. This is one of the reasons they are my best warriors.

"We need a plan on how to get my Beta back. This is the time to hear any ideas you guys have."

It doesn't surprise me when Raymond speaks first. I almost expected it. "Alpha, my suggestion would be getting a team together and wait for an opening for a rescue."

"Hell no, we need to go in like the wolves we are and get Beta Jake by any force necessary. They attacked us tonight, we need to show them that we are still the strongest pack in the world." Matthew spits out.

I hear Ethan sigh quietly which makes me inwardly smile. I'm about to ask his opinion but I don't get the chance as the door to my office crashes open and I see Spencer come running in with Cole right behind him looking furious.


"What is it Spencer?"

"Jasper has gone."

My mind is going crazy. I can't believe it, we trusted him. Eden goes tense on my lap as I hear her gasp and I see her small hand raise to her mouth.

I stand and deposit Eden in the now empty chair. "What the fuck do you mean he's gone?" My anger taking over me like a dark cloud.

Spencer retreats slightly at my outburst but I don't care, I need to know what the hell has happened within the last ten minutes.

"Well, Jasper said he was hungry so I sent Cole to grab him some food from the kitchen. Everything was fine until Cole was out of view. He tackled me to the ground and made a run for the front door. I'm sorry Alpha but there was nothing I could do to stop him."

"Go, all of you. I want him found. Now.." I shout my orders and they all run from my office.

I'm fuming, my anger is consuming every part of me. That's when I feel her. The gentle touch of her tiny hand around my wrist. I turn towards her and it almost breaks me seeing her tear filled eyes.

How could he do this to her?

Grabbing her I pull her up from the chair as I wrap my arms around her tightly. Her arms going around my neck as she pulls me closer and I can feel the damp patch from her falling tears on my shoulder.

My anger hitting the worst it's ever been seeing my beautiful mate so upset and I really don't know if I'll be able to hold back when we find Jasper.

The need to kill flows through my blood and Shadow is howling to be let out. The need to hunt down Jasper is almost taking me over.

I'm sure Eden can feel it because I can no longer feel her arms around my neck, only then do I realise I've let her go. Her arms have fallen by her side and she's taken a step backwards from me. With a look of fear in her eyes that almost floors me.

I put that fear there.

I did.


And I'm gutted. Literally my gut feels like it's been ripped open with that look.

Taking some much needed deep breaths I manage to calm myself enough to open my arms to her again.
Hoping that my gesture is self explanatory because I can't form any words right now.

It takes another minute of watching me before Eden finally steps in to my embrace.
I hug her so tight to me I'm surprised I'm allowing her to breathe.

I need her.

In that there is no doubt. I love her. I can't ever have her fear me.

But Jasper on the other hand.

I'll do everything in my power for him to fear me.

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