Chapter 11

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I'm doubled over with the pain that's radiating through every part of my body, as I see Nic run from his office to find Jake.

"Oh my goddess, it hurts like a bitch," I groan as the pain intensifies.

Feeling like Nic's been gone hours, but knowing in reality it's probably only been minutes.
I look towards the door hoping it will open. But no such luck.

Suddenly I feel an ache in my head, like a headache but not.
I can't explain it. It almost feels like a tugging the deepest part of my brain.
But I can't concentrate on that right now. Doesn't my body think it's going through enough right now.

Gasping as another wave of pain slams through my body making me scream.

I fall to my knees breathing heavily with my hands stretched out on the floor of Nic's office, waiting for the pain to subside.

I never even heard the door swing open.

I never felt the strong hands wrap around my body and lift me from the floor.

But I do realise that we are moving and moving fast.

I look up and see I'm in the arms of Nic, who is also helping Jake the best he can.
He runs through a few corridors and down the stairs looking back to make sure Jake is still keeping up I'm guessing.
Next thing we burst through the front door and all I can think of is I'm glad nobody was standing there.
Another wave of pain hits me suddenly making me scream out loud again.
I feel Nic's arms tighten around me and I feel a little guilty I just screamed in his ear.

I take a quick glance around wondering where he's taking us.
I notice he's taking us into the woods.

Remembering that all wolves are taken to the woods when they begin their first shift.
We were always told that the first shift is the most dangerous, so needed to be out of the way of others.
Usually only the wolf that's shifting and the Alpha are present.
A newly transformed wolf can be very unpredictable, hence why the Alpha is always present alone as he's the strongest to control any situation that may occur.
Also needing to be able to smell the new scent of the new wolf to know it's apart of his pack and not a rogue.

Looking over Nic's shoulder I can see Jake is struggling as much as me, so I reach out to catch his hand in mine.

My brother has always had the ability to soothe me when I was in pain, physically or emotionally since we were pups. And I have the ability to do the same for him.

I see him look my way in between his own pain and grab my hand that was extended to him and squeeze it tightly.
It makes me feel better instantly and watching his reaction as he lets out a breath, he seems to feel the same.

In a matter of minutes we are in the middle of the woods.

I'm still holding Jake's hand as Nic lowers me to the ground and takes a step back from me.
Jake falls to his knees next to me, never once breaking our contact.

"It won't be long before you both shift. I will be here the whole time with you. Just let your wolves come forward and take control of your bodies, try not to resist them. It will make your shifft much more bearable. Trust me."

As soon as he said those words it must have awakened our wolves or something, because in the next second all I could hear was bones breaking, skin tearing and the pain was at it's worst.

But in an instant it was all over.
The pain had stopped just as fast as it had started.

It takes me a moment to realise I can now hear animals scurrying around in the distance. My vision has become a lot clearer and don't get me started on the delicious scent I am smelling right now.

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