Chapter 15

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We stand in front of the huge double wooden doors, the only thing that's separating us from the party.
I can hear the music blaring and the excited voices of our pack members singing to the lyrics inside.
Laughter can also be heard loudly through the doors too. It seems everyone is just as happy as I am right now.
With a smile from ear to ear on my face, Nic let's go of my hand to open the doors.
As he does he pushes me and Jake forward enough so everyone can see us first.
My smile falters for a second because Nic knows I'm not happy taking full spotlight. For some reason it makes me super nervous all of a sudden. My heart rate picks up and my hands go clammy. I look back at him with a small scowl, while he looks at me with a small smirk.
Narrowing my eyes, a full blown laugh comes from him as he pushes me and Jake through the doors to the waiting crowd.
I don't have a chance to pull back because I feel a strong hand grip mine for comfort.
My eyes automatically glance down to the hand that's holding my own. Thinking it's Nic's for a moment until I realise it's Jake's hand instead.
I slowly look up at his face and he has the brightest smile.
And I know in that moment that between my mate and my brother I will always be safe.
Giving his hand a squeeze and taking a deep breath we walk in together with Nic right behind me.

The crowd cheers as we enter and the music from the DJ stops playing.
It's like everyone takes a step towards us as the cheers disperse and are exchanged with singing the birthday tune.

'Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Eden and Jake,
Happy Birthday to you.

Hip hip hooray...
Hip hip hooray...'

I'm so overwhelmed a single tear falls down my cheek. I feel someone brush it away with their thumb gently and pull me into a hug.

I pull whoever it is closer just for a second more before I need to thank the waiting crowd of people.
I'm guessing it's still Jake as I don't feel the body tingling sparks I feel when Nic holds me.
Pulling away from each other and taking another deep breath we both step forward again as the crowd cheers with a deafening applause.


For the last hour I have been walking around saying my thank you's to everyone I meet.
I couldn't have wished for a better pack and I can honestly say that the Blood Moon Pack is the absolute best.

I have been given cards, presents and flowers so many times tonight that I have no idea where I'm going to put everything.
I have had hugs from my friends, hand shakes from the elders, nods from the men...only because the first male that gave me a hug got pulled off of me and punched in the face by my extremely possessive mate.
They all learned the lesson right there and then not to touch me.

But right now I am trying my hardest to avoid Gerty, the Grandmother of our pack. She's the one that gives the sloppiest kisses and I'm sure I can still feel the one she gave me this morning still on my cheek.

I weave through the crowd, stopping mid stride.
I see Jake's horrified face as he backs up from someone in front of him.
The colour drains from his face as he watches whoever the person is. He's still slowly and subtly edging backwards.

But it's to late.

I watch as two hands lift and grip both sides of his face.
His eyes getting as big as saucers as the person pulls his head downwards towards their own face.
I can see clearly the old wrinkly hands on his face and I know without a doubt who's they are.


I try to stop a laugh that's building within my throat. But it's useless I can't stop it even if I wanted to now.
Thankful for the loud music, I don't think anyone has heard me.

Uh oh.. I was wrong.

Jake turns his gaze to me and his eyes are pleading for help.
But instead of helping him like I know I should I just give him a little wave and walk off quickly before Gerty can see me too.

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