A Study In Pink- Seven

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Chapter Seven

Lauriston Gardens- Night

Once again, side by hobbled side, John and I leave the rundown building only to find Sherlock gone. Funnily enough everyone is moving around now, whereas when Sherlock arrived everything and everyone froze in occupancy. Looking around we notice Sally Donovan. Great! "He's gone." She states. "Who? Sherlock?"

"He just took of, he does that."

"Is he coming back." John almost seemed worried. I definitely see why Aunt Martha thought he was gay. "Didn't look like it." I could tell John was too proud to ask for help about his leg, so I asked: "Where can we get a cab?"

"Try the main road." She clipped her answer. With a nod of my head I went to walk off until she caught our attention again. "Hey. You're not his friends, he doesn't have friends. So who are you?"

"I think we made it quite clear on who we are Donovan." I answered. "Why?" John asked. "You know why he's here? He's not paid or anything. He likes it. He gets off on it. Weirder the crime, the more he gets off. And you know what? One day just showing up won't be enough. One day we'll be standing round a body and Sherlock Holmes..." She briefly glanced at me. Bitch you better watch it! "Will be the one who put it there." John stared at her appalled and my fists were clenched tightly. "Why would he do that?" John asked. "Because he's a psychopath. And psychopaths get bored."

"THAT'S IT!" I began walking towards her but John held me back. "Michelle! Don't she's not worth it." Pulling myself away, I heard Lestrade shout at Donovan as we began walking away in the distance. John caught up with me a few minutes later. Walking in silence John spoke: "What was that about?" Breathing in through my nose, out through my mouth I responded. "Ever known a person you wanna punch for no reason?"


"Well she has reason." We shared another silenced moment before bursting out with laughter. "Michelle I'm glad I know you."

"I should hope so, I am a women of many mysteries just waiting to be unravelled." Walking past a telephone box, it began to ring. We stop momentarily before walking again. Then the telephone stops. John limping on, tried to hail a cab but they just past us without a second thought. "Yeah, thanks."

Passing an convenience store, I noticed a payphone. I glared hard at it and once again. The payphone began to ring. We hold on, waiting as a shopkeeper went to answer, but again it stopped. Shaking our heads at each other we began to walk. As we began to cross a road yet another phone box begin to ring. This is getting ridiculous!

John stepped forward, opened the booth and answers the phone. I also went in and listened to the phone. "Hello?" A cultured, educated voice began to speak. "There is a security camera at the top right corner of the building opposite you. Do you see it?"

"Sorry, who's this? Who's speaking?"

"Do you see the camera, Dr. Watson?" We both looked and we could make out a camera from the distance through the darkness. "Watch." The voice stated. The camera slowly turns away, now looking at the other end of the street. "There is another camera on the footbridge to your left. Do you see it?" We look around. Again, the called out camera revolves, looking away. "And finally, at the top of the streetlamp two along, on your right." Again, camera revolve and look away. "How are you doing this?" John was purely baffled. Not long after a sleek, black limousine drove up next to the phone box.

"Get into the car, Dr. Watson and Dr. Phillips. I would make some sort of threat, but I'm sure your situation is quite clear to the both you." The phone line goes dead in ones ear. A smartly suited driver climbs out the car. Opening the door for us. I clap my hands sarcastically "Well ready for abduction, John?" He rolls his eyes at me and climbs in.

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