His Last Vow- Six

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Chapter Six

John and I make our way walks towards the entrance of a skyscraper building which houses CAM Global News. In the foyer, a TV screen is broadcasting the company's news channel, which is currently showing a Breaking News item reading, 'MP JOHN GARVIE ARRESTED ON CHARGES OF CORRUPTION.' A photograph shows the man who spoke at the parliamentary hearing at the beginning of the episode.

Walking through the revolving doors we approach the security barriers which need an electronic key card to open them. We look around only to see Sherlock walking to us. "Magnussen's office is on the top floor, just below his private flat but there are fourteen levels of security between us and him... Two of which aren't even legal in this country. Want to know how we're going to break in?"

"Is that what we're doing?"

"Of course it's what we're doing." Sherlock answered. He then turns to me. "Thought you were busy."

"Yes well, think of this as a parting gift." I state passively. Sherlock spares a few moments to look at me before looking away. "Magnussen's private lift. It goes straight to his penthouse and office. Only he uses it and only his key card calls the lift. Anyone else even tries, security is automatically informed." He holds out a key card. "Standard key card for the building. Nicked it yesterday. Only gets us as far as the canteen. If I was to use this card on that lift now, what happens?"

"Er, the alarms would go off and you'd be dragged away by security."


"Get taken to a small room somewhere and your head kicked in." John adds to further his horizon. "Do we really need so much colour?"

"It passes the time." I mumble. "But if I do this..." He presses the security card against his phone. "If you press a key card against your mobile phone for long enough, it corrupts the magnetic strip. The card stops working. It's a common problem, never put your key card with your phone. What happens if I use the card now?"

"It still doesn't work." John answered. "But it doesn't read as the wrong card now."

"It registers as corrupted. But if it's corrupted, how do they know it's not Magnussen? Would they risk dragging him off?"

"Probably not."

"So what do they do? What do they have to do?"

"Check if it's him or not." I answered. "There's a camera at eye height to the right of the door. A live picture of the card user is relayed directly to Magnussen's personal staff in his office, the only people trusted to make a positive ID." Sherlock glances to his pocket watch. "At this hour, almost certainly his PA."

"So how's that help us?" Walking away, Sherlock answers: "Human error. I've been shopping." Patting his chest pocket, we follow him along the corridor to the lift. "Here we go, then." He presses the card against the reader. A circle on the reader screen, and the words 'CAM GLOBAL NEWS' at the bottom of the screen, both turn from blue to red and there's a beep. "You realise you don't exactly look like Magnussen."

"Which, in this case, is a considerable advantage." He stares confidently, looking to the camera. "Sherlock, you complete loon! What are you doing?!" Sherlock smiles more widely into the camera. John looks round in surprise. "Hang on, was that?"

"Hi, Janine. Go on, let me in." Sherlock takes a glance around. "I can't! You know I can't. Don't be silly."

"Don't make me do it out here. Not..." He pauses and turns his head to glance at a woman walking past, then once she's gone he turns back to the camera "In front of everyone."

"Do what in front of everyone?" Sherlock lowers his eyes and blows out a big breath, then takes out a small dark red box and clicks it open before holding it up to the camera to show the large diamond engagement ring inside it. John and I stare at the ring. The coffee cup in my hand begins to leak as I crush it. Sherlock holds the box in front of his face and turns on his biggest puppy dog eyes over the top of it as he looks into the camera and then smiles.

The card reader screen turns from red to blue and the lift doors open. Sherlock grins into the camera, then clicks the box closed and turns to John, whose mouth is open, then to me. My left eye begins to twitch. "You see? As long as there's people, there's always a weak spot."

"That was Janine." John states. "Yes, of course it was Janine. She's Magnussen's PA. That's the whole point."

"Did you just get engaged to break into an office?"

"Stroke of luck, meeting her at your wedding. You can take some of the credit." Sherlock steps into the lift. "Jesus!" Dropping the cups into a bin, John looks to me worriedly. "Michelle?" I stare on at Sherlock, as he stares at me. "Consider your parting gift revoked. Nice knowing you Mr Holmes." Turning on my heel, I walk out the building.

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