The Lying Detective- Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Third POV

"He knew we would get a new therapist after because that's just what we're like." John steps off the pavement, passing a bush on the other side of the road. He walks to the left rear door of the limo which a man is holding open for him. John nods to him and gestures Mary to go first. "Thanks."

He gets into the back seat. Mary  sitting on the other side, one leg curled under her. The man closes the door. "I think Rosie will help us grow close again."

"Do you think so?"

"You ready, sir? Madam?" The couple nod and turn to either window. "He is the cleverest man in the world, but he's not a monster."

"Yeah, he is." John disagrees. "Yeah, okay, all right, he is. Urgh!" She chuckles and turns to him again. "But he's our monster."

In a TV studio, Smith smiles into the camera. "I'm a killer." He loudly whispers.

Outside the building, a large billboard is being carried away by a couple of people. The image shows someone, but the picture only shows him from the neck down, wearing a suit and tie and holding up a large sharp knife covered with blood. To the right of the person, text reads:






Along the bottom of the poster it reads:


As the billboard is carried away, behind it the limousine turns into the forecourt.

Inside the studio Smith, wearing a grey suit and white shirt, has turned his head to the left to smile into another camera. "You know I'm a killer."

Outside, the limo drives past two people in alien make up and clothes. They watch the car go past. Each of them have a cigarette in their hands.

Inside, Smith straightens up and turns to the camera in front of him. "But did you know I'm a s..." To his right, the bulb in a large light on a stand explodes. Just starting to hold up a bowl and spoon, Smith flinches. "Cut there. What was that? Was that a light?" The director questions.

Smith stands behind a breakfast bar. To his left on the table is a tall jug of orange juice, a glass of orange juice and an orange sliced into two. Beside them are two boxes of breakfast cereal. The cereal is called: 'GNASH' and a blue triangle in the top left corner of the boxes announces that this is 'New!'

Smith puts his own spoon into the bowl and puts the bowl onto the table, pointing to the exploded light. "Oh, was that me? Er, was I too good, huh?" The camera crew laugh. His assistant Cornelia walks to his side and speaks into his ear. "He's here."

Outside, the limo comes to a halt in a car park and a man walks over and opens the rear right-hand door. John has already slid across to that side and he gets out, holding his hand out to Mary. The ambulance is parked nearby with its back doors open and they walk over to where Molly is sitting on the back step slightly hunched over and with her hands clasped in her lap. Sherlock lays on the stretcher inside but now stands up. "Well? How is he?" Mary asks. "Basically fine." Sherlock dismissed.

Taking of his dressing gown, he reaches for his coat. "I've seen healthier people on the slab." Molly murmurs. "Yeah but, to be fair, you work with murder victims. They tend to be quite young." Sherlock puts on his coat. "Not funny."

"Little bit funny."

"If you keep taking what you're taking at the rate you're taking it, you've got weeks." Molly's voice becomes tearful. Sherlock comes to the doorway and holds onto the poles either side. "Exactly, weeks. Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He steps down to the ground, then totters on the spot. "For Christ's sake, Sherlock, it's not a game! You're being selfish! Michelle is fighting for her life because she loves you, she's miscarried your children because she'd rather live in a world better than bringing life into the world of a family beyond repair!" Molly began panting heavily. Sherlock turns to her, ignoring everything just said. "I'm worried about you, Molly. You seem very stressed."

"I am stressed; You're dying and Michelle is fighting for her life!"

"Yeah, well, I'm ahead, then. Stress can ruin every day of your life." She turns away from him, closing her eyes against her tears. She couldn't stand seeing her friend like this. "Dying can only ruin one."

"So this is real? You've really lost it. You're actually out of control." John said. "When have I ever been that?"

"Since the day we met you."

"Oh, clever boy. I've missed you fumbling around the place."

"I thought this was some kind of..." John tries to gesture with his hands to Molly. "What?"

"Trick." Mary finished. "Of course it's not a trick. It's a plan."

"Mr Holmes!" The Watsons look past Sherlock's shoulder to where the voice came from. Smith walks out of the doors of a building marked 'VILLAGE STUDIOS.' Cornelia is behind him and a man walks alongside filming him as more people come out of the doors behind them. "Thirty feet and closing: the most significant undetected serial killer in British criminal history." Sherlock spit fired. Smiling, Smith walks towards them followed by his entourage. "Help me bring him down."

"What... What plan?" Mary asks. "I'm not telling either of you."

"Why not?"

"Because you won't like it."

"Mr Holmes!"

Sherlock - The Game Is On!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora