The Abominable Bride- Finale

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This chapter is dedicated to: aimee_x21, papiermotte, SherlockJohnPoshBoy, JaneRambo & FfayeryTail_v1

Aimee, you've been with me during the very start of this fanfic and I appreciate your dedication.

papiermotte, your words always brighten my day.

SherlockJohnPoshBoy, FfayeryTail_v1 and JaneRambo your comments crack me up and as cheesy as it sounds, they make me feel special...

Without you lot and many others who have grown to appreciate this book, I couldn't of made it this far. I originally did this as a bit of fun. The average fan adding herself into the script. 😂😂😂

But overtime, I've grown to dive deeper and dream about my book and the future it will hold. This book, this app, is my safe haven.

Without further ado, let's roll the final scene of this episode...

Chapter Twenty

Third POV

"Flying machines; These, er, telephone contraptions..." Holmes and Watson sit in their armchairs in the sitting room of our beloved 221B. Each smoking a pipe. "What sort of lunatic fantasy is that?"

"It was simply my conjecture of what a future world might look like and how you, I and my darling, might fit inside it." Michelle stood by the window playing the violin whilst basking in conversation.

"From a drop of water, a logician should be able to infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara."

"Or a Reichenbach." Watson added. "Have you written up your account of the case?"


"Modified to put it down as one of my rare failures, of course?"

"Of course." Holmes looks thoughtful for a moment, listening to Michelle's lullaby. "'The Adventure of... The Invisible Army'." Watson looks upwards, possibly considering it. "'The League of Furies'?" He leans forward, smiling. "'The Monstrous Regiment'."

"What do you think, Michelle?" Watson asked. Placing the violin on its stand, she spins around facing the men, who begin to admire her pregnancy glow and producing bump. "I rather thought... 'The Abominable Bride'." She pondered. "It'll sell. It's got proper murders in it, too."

"You're the expert." Holmes points with his pipe to Watson. "As for your own tale, are you sure it's still just a seven percent solution that you take? I think you may have increased the dosage."

"Perhaps I was being a little fanciful..." He then turns to his wife. "But perhaps such things could come to pass." Michelle smiles in agreement. Standing up, Holmes places the pipe on the table and walks over, standing behind Michelle, beginning to sway gently with his hands on top of hers over their bump.

"In any case, I know we would be very much at home in such a world." Watson chuckles to Michelle's statement. "Don't think I would be."

"I beg to differ." Holmes answered. "But then I've always known I was a man out of his time."

"That's my line..." Michelle muttered. "Darling, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine... Therefore, I express that it's our saying. I even spoke so in our wedding vows. I gave you my mind and you gifted me your heart. It perhaps be, battered and bruised, but I wouldn't change it because inside of it, is the purest gift."

"As you wish." She giggles happily.

Down in the street below, customers are going into Speedy's Sandwich Bar & Cafe while more people, all dressed in modern day clothing, walk by. The road is busy with cars. A black cab passes a number eleven bus, destination Baker Street as they drive past 221B...

...Where it is always 1895.

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