The Empty Hearse- Five

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Chapter Five

Third POV

Moriarty and Sherlock both laugh delighted that there plan worked. Turning to each other, eyes meet, smiles slowly diminish as they both begin to realise and feel something new. Sherlock frowns, but Jim waits patiently. After a few moments Sherlock begins to lean forward, Jim moves to meet him. Their lips inches apart...

"What?! Are you out of your mind?!" Anderson stands up staring down at a dark haired woman sitting in his living room. "I don't see why not. It's just as plausible as some of your theories."

With a wall covered in notes, photographs and post it notes, there was six or seven others in the room. "Look, if you're not going to take it seriously, Laura, you can..." Anderson makes a get out gesture. "I do take it seriously. I don't think we should wear hats."

"I founded 'The Empty Hearse' so like minded people could meet, discuss theories..." He chokes on his words as he steps closer to her. "Sherlock's still out there. I'm convinced of it." Laura's eyes drift to the TV behind him. They widen in wonder and puzzlement. Anderson turns to look. The sound is muted but a reporter talking live from somewhere in London, bringing some breaking news. The rolling headline at the bottom of the screen announces, 'HAT DETECTIVE ALIVE'.

"Oh my God." Instantly everyone's phones begin to signal text alerts. Everybody scrabbles in their pockets. Laura holds up her own phone to show the screen to Anderson, her face alight with excitement. "Oh. My. God!" On the phones, Twitter is full of hashtags like #SherlockHolmesAlive! and #SherlockIsNotDead, and #SherlockLives, and more messages stream in by the second.

Sitting up in bed, Mary is holding an iPad and reading aloud from one of John's old blog entries. "His movements were so silent. So furtive, he reminded me of a trained bloodhound picking out a scent." She narrates, dramatically. "You what?"

"I couldn't help thinking what an amazing criminal he'd make if he turned his talents against the law." John comes out of the small ensuite bathroom, his lower face and upper lip covered with shaving foam. "Don't read that."

"The famous blog, finally!"

"Come on, that's..."

"Ancient history, yes, I know. But it's not, though, is it, because he's..." She raises her eyes from the iPad and stops when she sees John. "What are you doing?!"

"Having a wash."

"You're shaving it off." She grins wickedly. "Well, you hate it."

"Sherlock hates it."

"Apparently everyone hates it."

"Are you gonna see him again? Am I finally going to be introduced to Michelle?"

"No... Maybe. I'm going to work."

"Oh. And after work, are you gonna see them again?" Rolling his eyes, John walks back into the bathroom. "I dunno, six months of bristly kisses for me, and then His Nibs turns up..." John looks to the wall mirror applying shaving foam. "I don't shave for Sherlock Holmes."

"Oh! You should put that on a T-shirt!"

"Shut up."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll marry you." He turns to look at her. She grins. Rinsing off his hands, John picks up his razor, looks into the mirror, sighs, then lifts the razor towards his upper lip.

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