The Empty Hearse- Six

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Chapter Six

Third POV

Sherlock and Michelle where surrounded by each other as the rising sun shined, fluttering through the curtains. Taking a deep breath, his eyes opened in content. Michelle by his side. Looking down to her, Sherlock smiled. He smiled a smile that was a blessing in itself. He felt complete again.

Two years were difficult. Difficult for him as it was for her. The thought of being alone for so long felt crushing and he crinkled his nose in appearance. Even though he went around the world breaking down Jim Moriarty's network, he himself had a few bad breaking points. Emotionally.

Michelle was what made Sherlock whole. He felt like a true man as she felt like a whopping woman. Sherlock spent a few moments reminiscing. Reminiscing in the girl he loves. "What are you thinking about?" Michelle mumbled, sleepily. He looked towards her only to see her green doe eyes already looking up to him. "You." His morning voice breathed. She smiled, to Sherlock it was angelically.

Rolling to their sides, they gazed to each other. She had her man back and he had his girl. His darling girl. Fiercely, Sherlock pulled her close. He pulled her close whilst she gasped. "I love you." He mumbles into her lips. She giggled like a little girl, which he secretly adored. "I wonder what's got you so happy." She stated innocently. He quirked his brow. "I wonder what indeed." He answered. "So Mycroft's coming round then?"

"Does he have to?" Sherlock pouted like a unhappy child. "He does have cases to discuss with you plus, I think it will be fun. I get to rip him a new arsehole if he doesn't behave. After all, he didn't take care of his brother who, I'm irrevocably in love with." Sherlock's heart swelled. "Well we best get on with it then." Placing a final kiss to his lips she got up, hastily trying to conceal her body with a blanket. Sherlock laughed under his breath. "Why are you embarrassed?"

"I'm not, I'm cold." She lied. He smiled to himself in achievement. "You still cold?" Sherlock's voice held a hint of humour whilst witnessing Michelle trying to put her underwear on without the blanket dropping. Michelle's cheeks became tinted. Swiftly getting to his feet, Sherlock cornered Michelle. Stripping her of the blanket, he stood in all his glory, smiling cheekily.

"London. It's like a great cesspool into which all kinds of criminals, agents and drifters are irresistibly drained." Sherlock stood near the cork board, wearing his red dressing gown over his clothes. "Sometimes it's not a question of 'Who?'; It's a question of 'Who Knows?' If this man cancels his papers..." He points towards a picture. "I need to know. If this woman leaves London without putting her dog into kennels, I need to know. There are certain people, they are markers. If they start to move, I'll know something's up, like rats deserting a sinking ship."

"All very interesting, Sherlock, but the terror alert has been raised to Critical." I watched as the two played varies of board games. "Boring. Your move."

"We have solid information. An attack is coming."

" 'Solid information.' A secret terrorist organisation's planning an attack, that's what secret terrorist organisations do, isn't it? It's their version of golf."

"An agent gave his life to tell us that."

"Oh, well, perhaps he shouldn't have done. He was obviously just trying to show off." I muttered, now pulling out my phone. Mycroft holds back a sigh but tries changing course of the ongoing conversation. "I've given the Prime Minister my personal assurance you're on the case."

"I am on the case. We're both on the case. Look at us right now."

"Oh, bugger!" Mycroft drops the tweezers to the game 'operation ouch!'. I discreetly take a picture and send it to Anthea. "Oopsie! Can't handle a broken heart, how very telling." Anthea responds almost immediately with a laughing emoji. "Don't be smart."

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