Chapter 8

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Jamie arrived at the tower of the hand to find his father waiting for him. "You sent for me?"
"Sit" Tywin said in a sharp voice, there was a moment of silence before he spoke again. "There is word from the Twins" he pushed a letter towards Jamie, who began to open it.

Roslin caught a fine fat trout, her brothers gave her a pair of wolf pelts for her wedding, signed Walder Frey

Jamie stared at the paper for a few moments, then looked blankly to his father who was looking at him.

"Robb Stark is dead, and his men" his father spoke slowly. Jamie looked back at the letter "I did what had to be done-" "You?" Jamie interrupted.
"I did what was best for the family"
"What slaughtering them? I though that would be beneath you." Jamie spoke in a mocking tone.

"Tell me what's more honourable, letting thousands of men die in a war, or killing a dozen at dinner?"
Jamie got up and marched towards the door "Where are you going? I haven't finished"
"To find Sansa."

Once Jamie had reached their chambers, he opened the door to find Sansa sewing with two of her handmaids. "Leave us" he dismissed them. Sansa continued her sewing, remembering last night she looked away from him, slightly uneasy.

"I have to tell you something..." His voice drifted off. He took a seat next to her at the table. "There's news from the North" Sansa placed the sewing on the table, and looked up at Jamie. She let a thought cross her mind... Robb's victory. The thing she had prayed for most.

"Your brother... And mother-" the door burst opened to reveal Joffrey, Sansa jumped at the sound. Jamie stood up, standing in front of her.

"Does she know yet?" Joffrey was smiling, yearning to tell Sansa.
Jamie looked into his eyes, silently pleading with him. Trying to find one piece of remorse in him.

Sansa stood up "about what?" She feared she had already worked it out, but she needed to hear it. "Robb Stark is dead, and your bitch mother..." Joffrey spat. He stood face to face we Sansa who was frozen to the spot, she felt numb.

"I'm going to get Walder Frey to send me your brothers head... I'll give it to you at my wedding feast. How would you like that?" He tilted his head smugly.

"You will do no such thing!" Joffrey snapped his head towards Jamie. His voice panicked Sansa, she sat back down on the chair.

"What did you say?"
"I said you will do no such thing" Jamie repeated, now it a quieter tone.
"I am the King!" Joffrey yelled.
"I don't care if you are the king! You will do no such thing... Do you understand?!" Jamie roared. Sansa looked down at the floor, afraid of looking one of them in the eye.

Joffrey looked outraged by what Joffrey had just said to him. Jamie walked away from him "you must be very tired your grace, with all this planning... So many ideas you must get your rest, I'm sure your guards will lead you back to your room safely." Joffrey looked defiantly at him, then gave in. "Yes I have a lot of plans for the wedding" he glanced back at Sansa who was still staring at the floor.

Once he had left, there were a few moments of silence. Jamie had no idea what to say to her. "I'm sorry you had to find out that way" Jamie finally spoke, she had barely heard him.
She had began to cry, Jamie hurried over, kneeling in front of her.

He grasped his hand around her, cradling her head to his chest "Make it stop... Please make it stop" she whimpered, begging him. He knew he couldn't stop the pain.

It had broken her, they had broken her.

Last chance for honourNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ