Chapter 47

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Jamie brought his hands around Sansa's forearms helping her stand. Her face was white with sickness. She glanced back to the body, she could barely see, all she saw was a blur of red. She began to shake her head, forcing her eyes shut. "Take me away from here Jamie... please I can't look at him anymore". Jamie nodded in response.

He brought his left arm around her back, she gripped his waist tightly, the smooth steel of his armour felt like ice under her palms. When she tried to take a step her legs failed her. "I've got you" Jamie whispered. "Hold on to me". Jamie picked her her up in his arms, he feared he would struggle with one hand, but she rested gently in his arms, supported by his gold hand. His left hand clutched her legs tightly, making sure she wouldn't fall. Sansa's arms were locked around Jamie's neck, her face hidden into his neck.

It had began snowing again outside, the freezing air felt like pins all over her body. They soon reached the courtyard, Sansa could feel everyone's eyes on her. She wondered what they were all thinking of her. She kept her eyes shut, she didn't want to look at them. Jamie didn't seem to care, he carried on walking through them all, still holding her strongly.

Jon appeared in the doorway, his eyes widened at the sight of Sansa. She glanced away from him remembering her appearance. "Sansa..." He said under his breath. Jamie carried on through the doorway. "She's freezing" Jamie said to Jon.

Sansa could barely feel her body, her limbs felt like ice. "I'll call for some servants to run her a bath and bring some fresh clothes" Jon said. Jamie nodded, still carrying Sansa, he followed the servants leading him to her chambers. Once they had reached them he allowed her to stand once more, sitting her down in the chair, while the servants started lighting the fire. Jamie wrapped her in the furs the servants had brought them.

Jamie remained kneeled in front of her, his arms still protectively wrapped around her. He hoped his body heat would help warm her up faster, but he couldn't help staying close to her.

A thousand questions were swimming around Sansa's mind, she still couldn't believe it was Jamie in front of her. The two sat in silence while the servants prepared her bath.

She wondered how she would tell Jon what she had done to Ramsey, he feared what he would think of her. She remembered the look on Jamie's face when he had found her.

Sansa was distracted from her thoughts, "My Lady, your bath is ready" Sansa glanced at the servant then to the hot water. Jamie stood up "I'll leave you" he nodded heading towards the door. She didn't want him to go, now she had him back she never wanted to be parted from him. She feared he would disappear and none of it would be real.

She stood up, walking towards the bath, the servant girl proceeded to start unlacing Sansa's dress. Sansa pulled away at her actions, "I can do it myself, go please". The girl looked at her in surprise before nodding and leaving her alone.

Sansa glanced at her reflection in the mirror. The blood was still stained on her face, as it was on the rest of her body. She unlaced her night dress herself, letting it drop to the floor. The water soothed over her skin, using the cloth she began scrubbing her arms, she couldn't bare to be covered in his blood any longer. She wanted to remove all trace of him, he wouldn't be a part of her anymore, she wouldn't let him.


Sansa had just finished dressing herself in a new night dress one of the servants had brought her. Her skin still felt warm from the hot water. She turned hearing a knock at the door. She cleared her throat before speaking "Come in". She wanted it to be Jamie, even since leaving Kingslanding it was as though she had tried to pretend he had never existed. But all she could think of now was him, he was real again.

The door opened revealing Jon, he gave her a soft smile before entering the room. Sansa returned the smile trying to pull her mind away from Jamie. "How are you feeling?" Jon asked. She could sense he didn't know what to say to her, they had never been close as children, but now everything was different. "Much better, thank you" she replied. Jon smiled in response nodding his head. "Jamie told me what happened in the tower" Sansa looked away from him at the mention of it.

Jon sensed Sansa's distress "We don't have to ever talk about it, I sent my guards to get rid of his body". Jon moved closer to Sansa "What happened wasn't your fault Sansa, you do know that don't you?" Sansa nodded slightly. "You're safe now". She wondered if he would have still said the same if he had seen what she had done to him, how she couldn't stop herself.

Jon wrapped his arms around her pulling her close to him. Sansa smiled at the embrace. "I'll have someone send some food up for you. "You should get some rest". Jon closed the door behind him.

She knew the door would be unlocked, but she couldn't help still feeling trapped. She had asked to move to different chambers than the ones Ramsey had kept her in.

She climbed into the bed, pulling the sheets and furs over her. Her eyes felt heavy, she soon felt her sleep take over her.


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