Chapter 42

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Jon stared across the table at Jamie, waiting for him to speak. Jon thought of the first time he had encountered him. He still had the same arrogance surrounding him, the only thing that had seemed to have changed was his missing right hand. He had told Arya and Rickon to leave them alone to speak, just the same as Jamie had asked Brienne.

Jamie rested his gold hand on the edge of the table, shuffling his elbow on the arm of the chair. He straightened his back, meeting Jon's dark eyes. "I'm sure you have an idea of why I am here" Jamie spoke boldly.

Sansa instantly came into Jon's mind. He had heard of how Joffrey had forced his sister into marrying the kingslayer. He thought of what Arya and Rickon had told him about Ramsey and what he had done to her. Jon replied with a slight nod. "My Army is large enough to match Ramsey's, but he has the advantage of Winterfell, without the help of the Wildling army, I can't ensure Ramsey's defeat."

Jon tightened his jaw in agitation. "So you've come here for my assistance to help you get back what was taken from you". He had never trusted the Lannisters, he followed his Father's instinct in distrusting them when they first arrived in Winterfell. Jamie furrowed his brows in response to Jon's reply. "How could you ever imagine I would want to help you, after everything your family has done to mine?"

"We both want Sansa to be safe, if you would just listen to me you'd realise you need me just as much as I need you" Jamie began to raise his voice. "Of course I want Sansa safe, she's my sister, why should I trust you? Why do you care so much, she's a Stark, I'd always believed you preferred the company of your sister anyway".

Jamie looked down, thinking for a moment before he spoke again. "I don't want to take Sansa back, that's not why I'm doing this, I want her safe with her family, not with Ramsey Bolton. I care about her-". Jon swiftly interrupted "Enough!" Jon stood up, scraping his chair back behind him.

Jamie stood up after him "What are you going to do? Leave her with him? If you help me I swear to you as soon as I know she's safe, I'll never return to the North again... please".

"When has your word ever meant anything Kingslayer?"

Jon stormed out of the room leaving Jamie alone. He let out a large sigh, slumping back down in his seat. A small part of him had tried to ignore his doubts and had beleived Jon would agree to help him, he needed Northern support to take Winterfell.

He could feel the anger raging inside of him, the more he thought of Jon's words the more he reminded him of Ned Stark, the man who hated him. He didn't care what any of them thought of him. All he cared about was Sansa.

With or without Jon's help he was going to rescue Sansa, she needed him.


Brienne threaded through the thick layer of snow that rested on the board walk. She headed up towards the castle walls. Looking ahead she saw Arya staring out across the snow. "I thought I'd find you up here" Brienne spoke softly but still loud enough for her to hear.

Arya turned to look at her before turning back to the snow. "You know why Jamie's here don't you?" Brienne asked, not expecting an answer. Arya screwed her brows together. "Has he come to cripple my other brothers as well? Was Bran not enough?". Brienne walked closer towards her "Arya, I understand your resentment towards him, but Sansa's still in danger".

Arya quickly interrupted "We can still save Sansa, Jon has the wildling army, the rest of the North will come to our aid." She began to walk away, back inside. "You can't guarantee the allegiance of the Northern Lords, it will take too long, you need Jamie's army." Brienne started to follow her. Arya carried on walking.

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