Chapter 2

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Sansa looked up with a shudder, hit with the hard realisation that today was her wedding. To the Kingslayer.
She stood frozen in the doorways, she could feel the heat that blazed on her shoulders. She managed a few steps, until out of the corner she could see a figure coming towards her, it was Joffery.

Without realising she blurted out "what are you doing?" Joffrey's smile widened . "Your fathers gone, and as father of the realm it is my duty to give you away to your husband". Sansa's cheeks burned as she took his arm. Ahead of her she could see Jamie. He was looking right back at her. As she got closer she could feel everyone's eyes on her, the eyes that had watched her father being killed, the eyes that watched Joffrey beat her, the eyes that were now watching her marry a Lannister. The eyes she felt more than ever were Cersei's.

Once they had reached the top of the steps she could feel Jamie's eyes on her, she hadn't dared to look him on the eye yet. She could see him towering over her, she almost didn't want Joffrey to leave her stood there alone with him.

"You may cloak the bride and bring her under your protection" Jamie lifted the red and gold cloak decorated with Lannister lions and gently placed them on Sansa's shoulders. They then both turned towards the high septon, for them to speak the words that would change their lives forever.

Sansa could taste the bitter sweet wine that lingered on her lips, the only thing to do was to keep sipping the wine. Jamie hadn't spoken a word to her. "May I be pardoned my lord?" Sansa requested quietly. Jamie responded with a grunt.

Sansa stared out across the moonlit sea. Sansa thought about what would come that night, when no one else was there. When it was just her and Jamie. What would he do? "There you are little dove" Sansa heard Cersei's soft voice. She couldn't manage a smile, she couldn't even look at the queen. "Are you frightened?" Sansa mumbled out a quiet no. Cersei replied with a scoff. They both knew she was.

Sansa followed Jamie to their chambers. Tywin had convinced the King to leave out the bedding ceremony, which was a small mercy. Jamie allowed Sansa to go in first once they had reached the large wooden door, he have her an intimate look as she walked past him. Jamie walked over to the table where he started to pour some wine. He held out one of the cups to Sansa who stood silently watching him. "No thankyou" she murmured. Jamie's hand remained outstretched and he eyed her not showing any feeling at all. Sansa remembered what Shae had told her about the wine, numbing the pain slightly. She took the cup graciously looking away from Jamie.

She sipped the wine like she had been doing all night. Jamie watched her tactfully making her blush. Once she had finished the cup she laid it down on the table. She wandered over to the dressing table turning her back to Jamie, she started to unlace her dress. Jamie looked at her with a hint of curiosity. Sansa was now only stood in her night dress, she turned her head to Jamie, who was still watching her. She looked away, she had started to breathe heavier. Jamie approached her, "you don't need to undress... It won't be needed." Sansa looked up in surprise "I'm not like Joffrey".

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