Chapter 20

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Sansa laid on Jamie's chest, she had been awake for hours. Finally accepting that she wasn't going to get any sleep, she padded over to the dresser. Opening the bottom drawer she lifted out her mothers scarf she had hidden there.

She wanted more than anything to see her mother again and Robb. They were her family, she couldn't leave them... Wherever they were. Unfolding the note from Baelish, she read her instructions.

Meet at dawn at the garden entrance on the third day of this week, P.B

That was tomorrow, she looked back at Jamie sleeping softly. Feeling the familiar tinge of guilt embedded into her stomach she looked away. How had she fallen in love with him... He was a Lannister, he was supposed to be her enemy.

Jamie stirred from his sleep, looking up to see Sansa sitting at the dresser, getting out of bed he walked over to her. Sansa scrunched the note in her hand before it was in his sight.

"Good morning" he planted a gentle kiss on her forehead. Sansa looked up at him smiling. "How did you sleep?" He asked while rinsing a cloth in the basin of water. "Fine and you?" Sansa drifted off staring out of the window.

"Fine as well" bringing the damp cloth to his face, he pressed it lightly on his skin. "I have some things to do today, I trust you'll be fine alone?" Sansa responded with a nod. "I'm staying here all day, when will you be back?" She added.

"Just before dark, most likely"


Sansa waited for Jamie to leave before she left their chambers, she didn't want him to know where she was going.

Walking through the empty corridors she quickened her pace. "Lady Sansa" she turned to see a familiar face smiling at her. "Prince Oberyn" he drew closer to her.

"And where are you going at such an hour" Sansa felt her face fluster "I'm visiting Queen Margery, it seems I have not seen her for some time" the words came out a little faster than she intended, he nodded at her response, she turned to carry on walking before he spoke again "be careful Lady Sansa" "with what?"

He held his stare for a few seconds before speaking. "With Baelish" he added before turning in the opposite direction.


"Sansa, how nice of you to visit, come and sit down" Margery held her usual smile fixed on her face. "I spoke with Baelish, he's going to take me to my family" Sansa blurted out, unable to keep it any longer. Margery's expression changed suddenly. She handed her the note he had given her.

"What?... Are you sure this is the right way?" Sansa felt a concern in her voice. "What other way is there?" Margery looked away for a moment before admitting her defeat "no other" she avoided Sansa's eyes.

"Baelish is a very dangerous man, remember that Sansa" Sansa nodded, she had heard what everyone had said about him, but he loved her mother, he would never hurt her, he couldn't.


Sansa had stayed with Margery all day, she hadn't realised the time. Opening the door to her chambers, she found Jamie already there. He looked up as if he was expecting her.

He waited for her to speak first. Sansa felt her throat seize up trying to think of her excuse for leaving. "I... I went to see Margaery" she remained by the door, unsure of what Jamie was thinking.

"Why?" He replied right away, Sansa took a few breaths "she invited me for breakfast."

"Anything else you want to tell me?" He stared at her, waiting for her answer. Sansa felt her heart rate quicken. "About what?" Her voice was quiet, she looked down at the floor away from his stare.

He stood up, walking closer to her. "About everything Sansa, I know about the note" Sansa's brows furrowed, she felt a shot of terror fill her stomach. He held his hand out with the note.

"The North Remembers?" Who gave you it. Sansa felt a slight relief that it wasn't the latter note, she couldn't risk him finding out about that.

"Well?" Jamie was getting agitated. "Who gave you the note?" His voice was flat. "I... I don't know" her answer made him angrier. "Don't lie to me" he growled. "Stop it please" she looked up at him, tears had started gathering on her lashes.

"No, not until you answer my questions" his eyes fixed on hers. "Don't even think about lying again, now tell me everything" his jaw was clenched. Sansa tried to move past him, but he pushed her back against the door, leaning his arm across stopping her from moving.

"Why should I tell you? Why should I tell you anything?" She felt a build up of anger building inside of her, why should she tell him. "Do you think that's the only thing I'm lying about, what about last night? Do you actually think meant it, that I could love you?" Jamie arm dropped by his side, his lips parted slightly.

"How could anyone love you, don't act like you meant it either, you're not capable of love, thats what you are, a man without honour and a man without love" Jamie didn't say anything , his eyes that had just flashed with anger, seemed empty.

"After everything that I've done for-" Sansa interrupted "what? What have you done exactly, you didn't save my family, you haven't avenged them, you had Roose Bolton killed, that must of been so difficult for you!"

"I did everything for you!" His voice was laced with anger again. "No you didn't, you did it for yourself, you thought that if you took pity on the Stark girl, you would be honourable again, that's all you care about isn't it? My father was right about you, you're even worse than the rest of them, you think your golds going to save you?!"

"Of course I did it for myself, because having Roose Bolton killed makes such a difference to me? Doesn't it?" His voice was plastered with sarcasm.

"You think I wanted to marry you, the sad little Stark girl that was cast aside for Margaery Tyrell? I didn't even take pity on you, it was fun, stringing you along making you think you could actually take vengeance for your family, they're dead and they're never coming back" his voice grew quieter with every word, still laced with venom.

"I hope the North does remember, they'll never forget what happens to those who challenge the Lannisters." Jamie slammed the door behind him, leaving Sansa alone.

Her cheeks were flooded with tears, her throat had tightened trying to stop the tears until she couldn't keep them in any longer. Her back slid down the back of the door. Leaving her huddled with her knees at her chest, burying her face in her dress.

She had never meant what she said, she knew that, but Jamie's cruel words lingered in her mind. She wanted to hate him, to have someone to blame, but she couldn't she was in love with him.

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